Example sentences of "from [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Watkins probably heard mention of these ideas , the seeds from which may have lain dormant in him for over fifty years .
2 The media provide , in Blumler 's words , ‘ the informational building blocks to structure views of the world … from which may stem a range of actions ’ .
3 He had made the point : he was going to strengthen the musical possibilities of his opera by creating a sound picture of paradise from which would bleed the eventualities of the real and actual world .
4 I believe that day implanted in me a life-long craving for barbaric splendour , for savagery and colour and the throb of drums , and that it gave me a lasting veneration for long-established custom and ritual , from which would derive later a deep-seated resentment of Western innovations in other lands , and a distaste for the drab uniformity of the modern world .
5 This sort of an evening would carry a social element , the absence from which would speak volumes locally .
6 The Liberal Democrat manifesto promised : ( i ) support for the European Community 's planned energy tax , the revenue from which would be used to fund environmental and other measures ; ( ii ) a 30 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2005 ; ( iii ) the creation of a Department of Natural Resources and an independent Environmental Protection Agency ; ( iv ) grants for recycling schemes , home insulation and similar measures ; ( v ) the introduction of pollution licences for factories , with upper limits on the amount of pollutants they could produce ; and ( vi ) the phasing out of nuclear power stations .
7 Each Saturday there will be guided tours for two of the churches on the list , while on the first and third Saturday of every month a concert of classical music will be held in one of the churches , the takings from which will go towards restoring a work of art .
8 Investment in training will therefore be discouraged , and managers are similarly discouraged from causing the company to engage in research and development and other projects the return from which will only be reflected in managers ' rewards in the long term .
9 This information will be used as a vital input to the corporate strategic planning and strategic marketing planning processes , from which will come the company 's basic marketing objectives .
10 In March 1993 we announced our intention to offer for sale our interests in the Markham field , and adjacent uncontracted discoveries , proceeds from which will improve our financial position in 1993 .
11 Lady Gibson fund This fund , held in the joint names of the minister and session clerk of the Church and the chairman of the village association , the interest from which will be used to defray the expenses of a Christmas Treat for the senior citizens in the village .
12 Which will go towards making a corpus of information from which will draw the meaning and usage of words as it was in the nineteen nineties .
13 Lady Gibson fund This fund , held in the joint names of the minister and session clerk of the Church and the chairman of the village association , the interest from which will be used to defray the expenses of a Christmas Treat for the senior citizens in the village .
14 But in the hands of people who could not add two and two together , or calculate that the weekly instalments on the dining room suite , the washing machine , the television set , the refrigerator came to most of the whole weekly income , with little over for rent , food , clothes , and every other necessity , it was practically the root of all evil from which could grow debts , family quarrels , rent arrears , eviction and even worse disaster .
15 Mankind will have to accept that this product of immense periods of time was indisputably in existence inside the evolutionary story , waiting to be taken up as the only source available from which could be acquired a foundation for the God that man must ultimately have , and which was not completely imaginary , and therefore subject to unlimited interpretations .
16 When Charles I went north at the beginning of the rebellion that was to cost him his head , his Lord General sent to Robert Barker , the King 's Printer , to bring a press to Newcastle-upon-Tyne , from which could be disseminated royalist proclamations and pamphlets .
17 Googol fiddled ostentatiously with the bandana round his brow as if toying with the idea of removing what masked his third eye , the warp-eye , a hostile glare from which could kill , as was widely known though seldom tested .
18 When Samuelson and Solow wrote of trading off inflation against unemployment , what they were implicitly postulating was a policy makers ' social welfare function , , from which could be derived social indifference curves .
19 A shapeless , brooding figure , from which can emerge pain , death , life or joy .
20 I think it convenient in this judgment first to set out the salient facts of the case , as found by the judge , and then to consider the authorities from which must be extracted the principles of law and equity to be applied to the facts .
21 Perceptions are constructed or formed from whatever would normally otherwise have been inhibited ( such as the low-level random discharges from the retina ) .
22 On the rationalist side in each case the enquiry begins from what may be called an anthropological starting-point .
23 The need for a third dimension arises most obviously from what may be called the problem of philosophy .
24 In music of this century , composers have cultivated melodic ‘ growth ’ by choosing a specific group of notes , and then , by presenting them in different orders or different rhythmic shapes , created melody which proliferates from what may be only a very limited stock of initial material .
25 As the first set of declaration reports were produced , it became apparent that development within the zones would not be significantly different from what would have occurred anyway ( Corby District Council , 1981 ; Newcastle upon Tyne , 1981 ; Swansea City Council , 1981 ) : planning controls were often retained along zone boundaries ; Special Industrial Uses , including noxious and dangerous processes , were still subject to control ; and , on occasion , environmental improvements were written into declaration reports .
26 This item of equipment enabled the rapid assembly features of the whole range of equipment to be fully exploited , and reduced the erection times for some major bridging operations , from what would normally be months to merely a matter of days .
27 Before doing any deal , Hewlett-Packard would have to weigh whether it would gain more from what would effectively be privileged access to Siemens ' customers than it would lose in self-impact on its already strong position in western Germany .
28 A world-wide Mareva injunction now always contains a proviso designed to afford some protection for third parties from what would otherwise be ‘ an altogether exorbitant , extra-territorial jurisdiction ’ .
29 On the technical side , the outcome may well be some way from what would be expected of perfect contestability , even if the assumptions approximate to the conditions I have outlined .
30 With regard to Pentos , the Portfolio was uninvested at the start of the period and stayed that way throughout , thereby preserving itself from what would have been a painful experience .
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