Example sentences of "from [adj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 From 1590 he was professor of philosophy at the Roman College ( now Gregorian University ) and students ' notes of his lectures exist in several European libraries .
2 From 1869 he published several papers on speech disorders , describing a visual and later an auditory word centre , as well as word blindness and word deafness ( later known as Wernicke 's aphasia ) .
3 From 1934 he was responsible for the introduction on the LMS of substantial numbers of diesel-electric locomotives for heavy-duty service in marshalling yards , where they showed great economies over steam and were the forerunners of more than 1,400 of this type on British Railways .
4 From 1893 he served on a departmental committee to review the collection and publication of factory statistics , and from 1895 on a committee of inquiry into anthrax among wool sorters .
5 According to recent evidence before the House of Representatives select committee on children and the family , had the exemption been indexed from 1948 it would now be worth $7,800 .
6 Mum told me about the various forms of contraception but apart from that we did n't really talk about it .
7 In some areas the new standard might differ markedly from that we have been used to in Britain .
8 We cruise mainly in the Mediterranean these days , where yachting is quite different from that we observed on a recent visit to the Solent , write Bill and Laurel Cooper .
9 They asked me to go there for an interview , and from that they recommended a therapist who would see me at her home .
10 Occasionally the teacher goes into some ‘ funny explanations ’ , but apart from that they do yoga for health of body and mind .
11 Man City were without Quinn , but apart from that they had no injuries to speak of , with Curle and Phelan playing .
12 Richard Price 's grandfather Tom bought a horse for twenty five pounds at Ludlow Market in the fifties … from that they bred Red Dove who in turn bred six more winners …
13 The first year of my research made up my pilot study and from that I decided to carry out a full scale research project .
14 Apart from that it could have been any accident on an urban road .
15 ‘ I answer , in one word , from Experience : in that , all our knowledge is founded ; and from that it ultimately derives itself . ’
16 Haynes fell with the score on 57 , Gomes was missed immediately and Greenidge was missed when he had 110 ; apart from that it was batsmanship of the highest quality .
17 Its own root is ‘ thought ’ , and from that it has come to mean the inner debate of a person who is reasoning with himself .
18 Nobody had seen Edward Balliol unfortunately , but apart from that it seemed to be success all the way .
19 From that it was just a short step to encouraging the animals to help him hunt , no doubt a piece of teamwork from which both benefited .
20 Where others were most sharply conscious of the crisis posed for theology by the development of modern culture and the change in our self-awareness , he saw the real crisis as lying in the inability of theology to do justice to its object , and called it to look in the opposite direction from that it had been taking .
21 Apart from that it was jumble sales or what I got given .
22 and from that it ca n't be bad can it ?
23 Apart from that it 's park benches and dark archways .
24 Apart from that it was observed that the left hand edge appeared not to be very sensitive .
25 From that it follows that any tax , because it distorts the market , must be bad .
26 The roof had collapsed long ago , leaving some of its timbers exposed to the elements , but apart from that it seemed reasonably stable .
27 I may have changed a word here or there , but apart from that it 's all exact .
28 Apart from that it was fairly straightforward .
29 Apart from that it 's exactly the same .
30 Obviously you do n't choose mighty oaks or plants that need many square feet of space , but apart from that you can grown trees , shrubs , perennials , annuals , cacti — in fact anything .
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