Example sentences of "but with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The process is painfully laborious , but with every announcement , IBM Corp is getting closer to acquiring the competitive edge that is the difference between survival and oblivion in the Unix business , and yesterday the company filled in a few gaps in its RS/6000 line , the most challenging development being a wind up of the clock on the single-chip Rios processor to create a 45MHz Model 230 , which starts at just $4,800 .
2 The process is painfully laborious , but with every announcement , IBM Corp is getting closer to acquiring the competitive edge that is the difference between survival and oblivion in the Unix business , and last week the company filled in a few gaps in its RS/6000 line , the most challenging development being a wind up of the clock on the single-chip Rios processor to create a 45MHz Model 230 , which starts at just $4,800 .
3 But with every moment she became more and more aware of his touch , of the way his arm felt next to her skin , of the strength of his body pressed against her own .
4 A return seemed unlikely , but at the same time there was this intriguing question : just what would it be like to be up there , 20 pitches out , on a wall as hard as many a belted route , but with no bolts ?
5 ‘ I had holidayed several times in France and was toying with the idea of buying a house there , but with no definite plan in mind .
6 What impressed me most was the support the boot gave — almost like a ski boot but with no compromise of movement or sensation of cramping .
7 An older regime , based variously on deference , status , and structure , had been dismantled , but with no obvious replacement in view .
8 The government saw it as a means to increase the resources under its control ; those few livestock owners who were aware of the project saw it as a means to acquire more stock and supplies of water , but with no thought of selling more of their animals ; the Bank saw it as an intervention which would initiate a commercial livestock industry in Tanzania , a means of increasing resource utilization and exports .
9 Mr Mortimer wisely limits his literary aim to writing a ‘ good bad book ’ : highly entertaining , but with no great subtlety of characterisation or plot .
10 One day he found himself at Market Harborough but with no idea where he was going .
11 Doyle 's mouth curved upwards as though he were smiling , but with no humour .
12 Section 18 penalizes the possession of a firearm with intent to commit a crime or to resist arrest : this is a more specific variation of section 16 , catering for the defence that the firearm was being carried for use in a robbery but with no intention that it would actually be used to endanger anyone , only to frighten — that would be a section 18 offence .
13 There was little structure to the market , Welsh Lamb Enterprise was seeking new markets but with no control over supplies , producer groups were operating mainly as dealers , and producers got neither the information they needed nor the returns .
14 Now roofless , the Priory had been tidied up slightly , but with no explanatory labels .
15 The recent Beethoven Fifth Symphony in Berlin had massively sustained tone in the fermatas but with no loss of forward impetus in the playing .
16 But with no explanatory signposting from the director , his update becomes a source of irritation rather than enlightenment .
17 But with no end to the civil war in sight , the high risk of casualties , and commitments elsewhere , the government decided to send only a small supporting force .
18 Molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics are also covered in this chapter but with no mention of the important new perturbation techniques aimed at estimating free energy differences .
19 These discoveries would not be very difficult to make nowadays , but with no more than the techniques of the time , each was a great achievement .
20 Insulation in lofts which has blocked the natural ventilation of the roof at the eaves can cause condensation and wreak damage as great as the heaviest gales , but with no insurance to cover it .
21 Office , but with no information about the numbers issued by the Foreign Office or the Northern Ireland Office ) , and the second being a mere five pages ( with an appendix of one page ) , yet priced at £1.90 ( Lloyd , 1988 ) .
22 For what becomes of the marriage between two 70-year-olds seeking companionship but with no thoughts of sexual intercourse , let alone family ?
23 The desert was cut in all directions by sandy scars , and there were tyre-tracks everywhere but with no hint of general direction .
24 In both these species this is because the mandibular processes are frequently broken , but with no other damage except to these vulnerable processes .
25 Under the care of this gentleman he remained near a week ; when , not finding that relief he hoped for , Dr Scott was requested to assist Dr Crawford , but with no better success , for notwithstanding the united efforts of these eminent physicians , the fevers and faintings encreased [ sic ] till they ended in delirium and death on the 21st , being seventeen days after the first attack ’ .
26 In a number of cases , however , there may be a tendency to regard it , rather , as a sort of libation to the gods — a project or programme acquiring a certain added respectability by being evaluated , but with no deep-seated resolve on the part of its organisers to make any substantial organisational or financial investment in change ( after all to contemplate fundamental change to a primary programme once it is underway is an exceptionally costly business ) .
27 The consequent paradoxes are : convenient airports but no aircraft noise , an attractive unchanged countryside and an efficient agricultural industry , urban areas convenient and easy to move around , but with no noisy and intrusive traffic — in short , an ideal world .
28 Others see it occurring at exactly the same time each day , but with no obvious connection with any other activity .
29 She called on friends , far and wide , in her search for a ring of high quality , but with no success .
30 We were being blown east ; we corrected but with no DME we were n't sure how far east we were .
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