Example sentences of "but as [art] " in BNC.

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1 I have also campaigned for the Government to give AIDS greater recognition , not as a disease affecting specific sectors of the community , but as a social problem for which there must be adequate welfare provision .
2 I have also campaigned for the Government to give AIDS greater recognition , not as a disease affecting specific sectors of the community , but as a social problem for which there must be adequate welfare provision .
3 It 's no longer thought of as cranky or old-fashioned , as the press tries to make out , but as a much-needed way of helping to preserve this world by finding alternatives to chemicals and peat-cutting .
4 Thus a gold or purple-leaved shrub is best used not as an alternative to green foliage , but as a specimen highlight whose beauty depends on the contrast with its green neighbours .
5 Storage methods vary considerably , as do the most suitable conditions ( ‘ Grenadier ’ apples store best several degrees cooler than ‘ Blenheim Orange ’ , or example ) , but as a general rule the place of storage should be dry and cool .
6 It is as if , with the name , an extra dimension of personality is added — not merely as a pious recollection of the great , but as a stimulus ( at times a goad ) to the one so named .
7 It is not meant as a criticism but as a frank report of how we think your child gets along at camp as an individual and as part of a group .
8 When this picture was fully developed , even space was represented not as being qualitatively the way it is in vision , but as a structural isomorph of visual and tactile space .
9 A small point to raise maybe , but as a sentimental traditionalist I feel we should stick to the original figure of 14 as adopted by those early pioneers .
10 French polish is usually a dark brown colour , but as a collective noun it includes button , white , transparent and garnet polishes , which are made with various types of shellac .
11 Marmeladov does n't think of a drunkard as a human being but as a brute , a beast , a swine .
12 Megill writes not as a literary critic but as a philosophically trained historian of ideas .
13 ‘ Publication ’ is increasingly important , not just to secure advancement in an individual academic 's career , but as a sign of an institution 's status .
14 Quantity in this sense , duration , is what musicians and musical composers are continually concerned with ; and so it is not surprising that poets of this way of thinking , like Pound and Bunting , show themselves avidly interested in poetry which has been , not at a level of theory but as a fact of performance , intimately associated with music : poetry that has been set , or has been written in the hope of being set , to music .
15 They see themselves not as author and illustrator , with separate roles , but as a partnership of ‘ book-makers ’ , contributing equally to the process .
16 He sat down at last to silence , but as a man fulfilled : the tutorial was over .
17 A much safer route to travel is that which Mr Garton Ash approves only as a means to an end , namely that of encouraging urgent reform in the German Democratic Republic , but as a separate state with a future of its own .
18 But as a competitor , you do not think about politics and you just hope everyone will be there . ’
19 There is some ‘ outstanding teaching in most subjects in most institutions , but as a proportion of the total teaching effort the amount is comparatively limited ’ .
20 Message Pad and Qui Danzig have the better form , but as a son of the supremely successful Nureyev , Abs may have more scope for improvement .
21 A Rover-engine Stag may well be a better car than one with Triumph power , but as a hybrid it will never be so valuable .
22 Mr Montagu and Mr Brown believe getting staff not to fear the agency process as a bringer of cuts or worse conditions , but as a way of improving both and service to the customer , is the crucial task facing ministers and senior officials between now and spring 1991 .
23 But as a party and as a government we have a duty to encourage families to better themselves and discourage dependency . ’
24 Mr Ramaphosa said that the prisoners ' release should not be construed as an act of goodwill by Mr de Klerk , but as a reflection of the ‘ dismal ’ failure of ‘ the apartheid regime ’ to emasculate the will of the black majority .
25 Therefore , the unwillingness of policemen to define their role in these terms does not show itself in a failure to perform these duties but as a judgement that it is ‘ really ’ the work of others .
26 Freedom is valuable and is valued by the public as an end in itself , but as a means to an end it has proved a failure .
27 obviously , go with your instinct , but as a basic approach , try simply to be polite .
28 In 1928 he returned to the ‘ Stones of London ’ , emphasizing that even when approaching a church building ( here Westminster Abbey ) as a historical monument of major symbolic value and aesthetic interest , the fact could not be ignored that , poets ' corner or no , ‘ the Abbey was not originally designed primarily as a Pantheon , but as a Church ; and a Church it remains until it is ‘ disaffected ’ .
29 The thoughts of Cailliet and Bédé point forward to the importance of communion with the dead in Four Quartets , with their intense , visionary moments ; more immediately the Frenchmen 's stress that , like primitive thought , ‘ Le symbolisme , en effet , requiert tout d'abord une détente de l'attention ’ , is paralleled in The Use of Poetry by Eliot 's presentation of poetic creation not as an act of concentrated attention , but as a relaxation , or removal of a normal barrier .
30 It was conceived of by all those who participated in it not as a coalition government as generally understood , but as a temporary , emergency government , formed for a single limited purpose : to balance the budget through drastic economies and increases in taxation .
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