Example sentences of "but not without " in BNC.

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1 At the fête Stepan Verkhovensky , the man of the 1840s , makes a speech arguing that Shakespeare matters more than boots , and Raphael more than petroleum ; whipping himself up in his peroration to declare that mankind can get on without bread but not without beauty .
2 They will certainly leave the Centre much fitter than When they arrived , but not without a few bumps and bruises sustained along the way .
3 US Marines from the American Sixth Fleet landed at Beirut on 16th July ; and next day the British 16th Parachute Brigade was flown into Amman , but not without difficulties that highlighted two weaknesses in the air mobility assumptions of the Sandys doctrine .
4 Genuine covert work , perhaps ; but not without an element of cinema .
5 Of course it is piffle , but not without a streak of crazy intelligence .
6 Eventually anti-fly hysteria died down , but not without having caused a lot of pointless anxiety on its way .
7 The ‘ New Style ’ Calendar was adopted in Britain in 1752 but not without some opposition from some who thought they were losing several days of their life .
8 But not without difficulty and not until Butler had assembled a complicated financial package which included generous loans to enable the voluntary bodies to build or convert schools for secondary purposes .
9 Extractions were achieved without appreciable loss of activity ( but not without discomfort ) by working at temperatures below 5°C .
10 The problems may be overcome , but not without considerable expenditure .
11 The figures demonstrate something about the characteristics of people with dementia referred to psychogeriatricians : that they are on average around 80 years of age , mainly women , mainly widowed or single , quite likely to be living alone but not without the involvement of relatives or friends , and with fairly advanced dementia ( assuming that this is the implication of a score of nearly seven on a scale , running from one to ten , designed mainly to measure impairment of memory ) .
12 Cultivating this hound 's friendship will bring unexpected enjoyment and a chance for companionship but not without certain challenges which may arise , so be alert .
13 Tickets for the excellent dinner were realistically priced and the spectacle of watching the top dogs compete on a raised catwalk was dramatic , but not without its moments !
14 It was a dramatic development but not without its problems .
15 We also generalize about the taste of the discriminating and set up standards , useful as guides as long as one does not credit them with greater authority than a considered choice which violates them , but not without the suspect motives and tyrannical pretensions of standards in morals ; if you show signs of food-and-wine snobbery , I had better when listening to your recommendations take care to distinguish what I sense on my tongue from an affected taste .
16 The town was captured instead , but not without loss .
17 The race , and the championship , were won at Monza , but not without difficulty due to Emerson 's fear of running out of fuel , which he conserved with characteristic prudence .
18 He made a move towards her and bawled at her to ‘ get out ’ , which she did but not without slamming the door for all she was worth behind her .
19 The USAF 's speed and altitude requirements were eventually met by the Los Angeles Division of North American Aviation ( NAA ) — but not without first overcoming tremendous technical , design and manufacturing problems .
20 ‘ I have made this decision with some regret — but not without a great deal of thought . ’
21 His voice is strong , stark and brooding , but not without a certain amount of tenderness on occasion .
22 The seal might be broken , the string might be cut — but not without the owner discovering later that his privacy had been invaded .
23 This is much easier than it sounds but not without snags .
24 The general theory of society which is enshrined in these two books is spelt out with great verve , but not without ambiguity , in Durkheim 's methodological manifesto Les Règles de la method sociologique .
25 Uncashed cheques can be cancelled , but not without your bank or building society making a hefty charge — make sure you 're not paying more in charges than you 'd lose if your cheque was cashed !
26 On appeal , the Supreme Court affirmed the Lower Court 's ruling , but not without some controversy .
27 But not without making his will with a Trust Fund providing for a public park for Louth .
28 But not without the ballast that just saves Gregory from run-of-the-mill frippery. at this stage we are trowel-fed our socialist message when Meridon , aka Sarah , Last of the Laceys , is torn between the current management of her inherited estate as one of the popular communes of 18th-century England , run as a profit-share system by the workers , and the sweet novelties of high-society capitalism .
29 It is a small point , perhaps , but not without some historical interest in the evolution of the English landscape .
30 But not without saying goodbye , not without a kind word or two .
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