Example sentences of "but by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Minister understand that the arrogance and insensitivity of his hon. Friend , who has not agreed to a meeting for about four months now , has been noted not just by Mr. Johnston but by every farmer in the north-east of Scotland ?
2 These awards are won not just by those responsible for export sales — although their contribution is very important — but by every employee in the business .
3 As Fielding has shown ( 1988b ) , what counts as good police work to ordinary policemen and women is not determined by official standards of performance , but by a range of contextual factors .
4 It increased by 17 per cent amongst Express/Mail readers , and by 34 per cent amongst Sun/Star readers , but by a mere 2 per cent amongst Mirror readers , which suggests the tabloids did influence their readers .
5 In our panel of voters the Conservative lead over Labour increased by 34 per cent amongst Sun/Star readers but by a mere 2 per cent amongst Mirror readers , which suggests the tabloids were able to influence their readers .
6 The issue was solved , not by due legal process , but by a brawl between the colonists and the village lads , who were chased back into the Soviet building which was later smashed up .
7 Weirdly , but by a traceable line of descent through Unionism and Socialism , almost the same accents recur after thirty years : ‘ With the vast imperial resources which are the heritage of this country , the problems of poverty and want can easily be solved by a government empowered by the people to carry out their will .
8 But once again anger works through irony , parody , and pastiche , and is held together not by a unified dramatic voice but by a stylistic blankness a kind of black camp .
9 This second purpose is dealt with not only in the brief account of evolution outlined above but by a philosophical discussion of the production of ideas in history which it is equally essential to understand for apprehending the Marxist attitude to history and anthropology .
10 It now seems certain that St Paul 's Cathedral will not be surrounded by a modernist wall , but by a sympathetic series of buildings in the best classical tradition .
11 However , financial advice is not provided by the solicitors who are not registered under the Financial Services Act but by a firm of insurance brokers , Sedgwick , which has a contract with the company .
12 Another was for portfolios of firms to be owned not by a pension fund but by a specialist financial or management group : Kohlberg , Kravis , Roberts or Hanson , which buy , break up and set strict financial controls for what remains ; Clayton & Dubilier or Forstmann Little , which exert direct supervision over managers ; Berkshire Hathaway , which is a more remote but patient investor .
13 The lessee was protected , not by a real action , but by a personal action against his lessor , in which he could recover , not the land itself , but only damages to the breach of his landlord 's contract to allow him the use of the land .
14 These differences are better explained not by that kind of analogy , but by a recognition of the complex history of the text within the history of an ancient tribe — a history that is sometimes romanticized , sometimes idealized , and in which past and present are sometimes confusingly mixed .
15 One day he was found mysteriously dead in one of these enclosures , killed , not by the dogs , but by a human hand .
16 But by a quirk of technology and accounting practice , business has been more prepared to replace ageing computer equipment than upgrade it .
17 The conditions which have initiated and sustained the Uprising have been characterised not by subversive money but by a lack of money …
18 The view that ‘ because of televising MPs will be more accountable to their voters ’ was widely held , but by a declining proportion — 76% before the experiment and 59% after three months .
19 The transformation of postwar industrial cities was driven not by some abstract historical force but by a combination of private investment decision and state action .
20 ‘ The Professor 's garden , however , was not only protected originally on the College side by the Fleet Ditch , but by a Thorn-planted Hedge , which extended onwards to the Bridge in Fig Lane [ Crowndale Road ] thus also enclosing the ‘ Green ’ at the back of the Elephant & Castle Inn .
21 Here ‘ relations between people ’ are not expressed as ‘ relations between things ’ , and the social economy is regulated not by the blind forces of the market and competition , but by a consciously followed plan … the end of a capitalist commodity society will also see the end of political economy .
22 Then suddenly he lunged and the pleasant sensation was gone , replaced not by pain but by a strange , full feeling and Sally began to feel frightened again .
23 Turning to face her , he was visited suddenly , not by desire , but by a memory , inconveniently intense , of the desire he had once felt for her .
24 Some types of air-breathing fish known as polypterids breathed air not by sucking it in through the mouth and forcing the lung-sac to expand , but by a reptilian-like muscular movement ( which is also how mammals breathe ) .
25 But I hope you agree with me , the Bölkow 207 — like both the Frati-designed Falco and Nibbio , curvaceous masterpieces — is another such aeroplane designed , perhaps surprisingly , not by an Italian but by a German .
26 And these are terminated , not by deliberation and interpretation , but by a relatively sudden and unstructured event like the gestalt switch .
27 ‘ Fashion Mad ’ , it was titled , and this one was not written by a celebrated style pundit , but by a previously unrecognised talent called Associated Press .
28 Meanwhile the Nazgûl himself goes even more than usual beyond the boundaries of even ‘ romantic ’ humanity : he looks like a man , and carries a sword , but it is a ‘ pale ’ or insubstantial one ; he bursts the Gate not only by Grond but by a projection of fear and dread , ‘ words of power and terror to rend both heart and stone ’ , which work like ‘ searing lightning ’ .
29 They had raised themselves but still remained crouched , and were moving slowly by the hedge towards the tree , when once again Martin 's attention was brought round to the strip of woodland , not by a noise this time , but by a strange feeling of impending danger .
30 There is no way of knowing that the writer intended to write the word books , but by a lexical substitution error wrote boots instead .
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