Example sentences of "but [vb -s] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 The tendency for spits to be orientated at right angles to the dominant waves is well illustrated by Hurst Castle Spit which is particularly instructive in this respect for the spit does not continue the direction of the coast west of Milford , which is west-north-west to east-south-east , but orientates itself north-west to south-east , thus demonstrating the connection with wave direction .
2 In contrast the new edition of R. P. Boas 's Primer of Real Functions does it all exactly the wrong way round ( Baire before Binomial ) but redeems itself with its dedication : TO MY EPSILONS .
3 Power is not something that is possessed such as blue eyes or red hair but manifests itself in terms of relations with others .
4 He no longer confides in he , as he did in the letter at the beginning , but distances himself from her .
5 Juliana Hatfield might not be a gender warrior or fight city hall , but distances herself from the herd of two-bit supposedly alternative US bar-bands by being outwardly conservative and inwardly maverick .
6 Designers ' Saturday is not an exhibition of how to furnish your home , but concerns itself with interior design as a whole .
7 Yolande , his queen , who could not even be bothered to inspect her dead husband 's corpse but keeps herself closeted at Kinghorn , claiming she is pregnant ?
8 She was born and lives in London but regards herself as Scottish .
9 He himself was still relatively new to the board , but aligns himself completely with the decision .
10 But if that curtesy were moved by a suit or request of the party that gives the assumpsit , it will bind , for the promise , though it follows , yet it is not naked , but couples itself with the suit before , and the merits of the party procured by that suit , which is the difference .
11 He then seeks to make an official protest about the crimes of the St Evremondes but finds himself incarcerated , by their machinations , in the Bastille .
12 Nevertheless , as I understand it , the individual may be striving towards mature object relations but finds himself in situations where those in authority to whom he may want to relate may cause him to regress towards infantile dependence .
13 Will he find time to consider the plight of my constituent , Mrs. Christine Williamson , who , after 25 years at home nursing a severely disabled child is now able to go back into the labour market , but finds herself in a Catch-22 situation ?
14 More seriously sacrilegious is surely Saint Pierre et le jongleur , " Saint Peter and the jongleur " , in which a jongleur 's soul goes off to Hell with a number of other satirically identified characters — jousting men , usurers , thieves , bishops , priests , monks , abbots , knights — but presents itself , incongruously , as that of a relatively good character , anxious , for instance , to please its new infernal master ( in a witty parody of the Orpheus story ) by singing .
15 Yet to me it is more quietly impressive than all the grand ‘ exegi monumentum ’ gestures , since it refuses to turn outward to time , or the world , but addresses itself with complete absorption to its subject .
16 Crilly reaches for me but stops himself ; we are in his mother 's bed after all .
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