Example sentences of "but [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But organizing a world tour that will take in places like Harare , Delhi and São Paulo as well as the normal rich-world rock centres is a major feat .
2 In the late eleventh and twelfth centuries city after city set the bishop aside ( often with his consent ) and established committees of consuls , or some other ruling authority , not perhaps quite democratic — for they represented the powerful citizens , not the polloi — but reflecting a new and vivid aspiration .
3 At the time of its production , Diaghilev was convinced that another truly Russian ballet was needed , traditional in essence but reflecting the revolutionary ideas of contemporary artists working in Russia as well as Paris .
4 He compares three studies , carried out respectively in 1949 , 1972 and 1983 , but reflecting the educational and social conditions of well before those dates .
5 Sir William dealt with this in his own typical fashion , hanging three Douglas ringleaders there and then , but demanding a like example to be made of the Hamiltons , which was scarcely equitable , since the Douglases had started it all and were three times as numerous as their hereditary foes .
6 But Something must be Done , and I collar our captain , who is not in his office but enjoying a cigar on the pool deck with the purser .
7 30 June 1989 found most of the battalion not on guard in bearskins and tunics , but enjoying the last day of a fortnight 's shooting on the ranges at Salisbury Plain , on ISAAC .
8 At 10 am , with the French heavily outnumbered but enjoying the weather gauge , as a ‘ small gale ’ was blowing from the south-south-west , some miles off Cap Barfleur , at the north-east point of the Cotentin peninsula , de Tourville , who had no faith in the proposed invasion , led his ships towards the enemy .
9 The Maggot was not taking evasive action but quartering the ground in search of our enemy .
10 A girl 's voice , soft and guarded , but touching a familiar chord in my befogged mind .
11 But Touching the Void presented Joe Simpson with as many questions as it answered .
12 However the Russian " tooke occasion to deceive his Excellence , and falsify his word , hanging in the aire betwixt the armes of his servants , and but touching the earth with his tiptoes , whilst the Ambassador came out freely " .
13 This exercise can be done lying flat on the floor , but using a bench stretches the lower abdomen more .
14 Follow steps 2 to 5 again , but using a different filename
15 They are fixed in much the same way that ceramic tiles are stuck to internal walls , but using a special adhesive mortar suitable for outdoor use .
16 Printing in several colours is expensive , but using a single colour ink , not necessarily black , is much less so .
17 See paper being made following the traditional method , but using a recycled base to which fragments of plant leaves and petals are added for colour and texture
18 It would take too long to get the computer up and do it for you , but erm you can take that away with you if , if you like , that just makes the same points I 've been making now , but using a computer simulator .
19 B replied with an order , accepting the quotation , but using a form which incorporated B's own standard terms .
20 Good d Good does in fact do what you said and his recommendation er for final salary schemes is er a third of the trustees should be or have the right to be er from the , the members and er er we 've in our er comments to you have er looked at a global point of view and said no not are these proposals worthy in themselves , but using a different criteria that if they had been law as Ken said earlier , would they have stopped Maxwell and a situation where a third of the trustees were er were they members er would have made no difference er cos typically in our cases there were originally about four trustees er and unfortunately for us , three of them were named Maxwell .
21 The name was later revived by Allied Breweries for its London operation , but using the Cannon Brewery trademark .
22 ‘ We have moved along so we are not simply cooking Malaysian food but using the best possible organic vegetables , proteins and grains to create various meals . ’
23 Control of the dosage is very similar to the centesimal ‘ plussing ’ technique but using the LM granule , instead of a 30c , dissolved in liquid .
24 As our eyes met in the glass , I realized that she was not admiring the flaking stone blocks opposite but using the window as a mirror .
25 CCD delay lines tend to be fussy about the clock signal timing , but using the matching clock chip should avoid any problems .
26 Exuding period style and atmosphere but using the best of modern building technology to make your home the comfortable and luxurious haven you deserve .
27 Even scrambling might cause a problem , but using the jacket for walking and general leisure is OK .
28 This is a difficult boundary-value problem , but using the method of images we only need to determine the electric flux density due to the two point charges .
29 So without working it out , but using the graph now , how far would he be after three and a half hours ?
30 Turns onto headings will be made at the standard rate , but using the stop-watch , not magnetic compass .
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