Example sentences of "not without [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their preconception that , as science has advanced , phenomena once considered supernatural have yielded to naturalistic explanation , is not without support .
2 He felt the full force of his own weakness , and he had strength no more to fight , not without support , not without help …
3 Mr Lamont has , not without resourcefulness , recognised that in sketching his perspective so long .
4 It was not without significance to the WEA ( and presumably of similar importance to the Cambridge Board and its secretary , G. F. Hickson ) that the Eastern District already had thirteen of its twenty-five Tutorial Classes in that county : several reflecting the combined efforts of Miss Green and Helen Stocks .
5 This aim is underpinned by three interrelated objectives and it is not without significance how they complement and serve to implement the White Paper 's own trinity of ‘ aims of supervision ’ , that is , protection of the public , prevention of reoffending and successful reintegration of the offender in the community ( p. 35 , para. 7.3 ) .
6 It is certainly not without significance that the Association always maintained a link with the new youth movement by aligning itself with the Boys ' Brigade and playing an active role in the formation of the Scouts .
7 It is not without significance that the sub-title of his autobiography is ‘ The Story of my experiments with Truth ’ , and his whole life might well a interpreted as an attempt to live in accordance with or an existential quest for Truth .
8 We have already noted that he interprets the Gītā as a call to action and it is not without significance that he has been described as one of the foremost activist theoreticians and as a karmayogin .
9 It is not without significance , of course , that a young man of good Dissenting stock , with impoverished uncles , aunts and cousins , should nevertheless have chosen to stand up and be counted in a fight against a nation which , for all its extremes , represented some form of democratic republicanism .
10 It is not without significance that it had its source in a campaign which effectively combined Cobdenite principles of free trade with a ‘ bellicose philanthropy ’ worthy of the most self-righteous of Victorian imperialists .
11 The fact that the USSR produces two to three times as many machine tools as the United States is not without significance .
12 The range of abusive words quoted here is not without significance .
13 Both the current state of play within the discipline , and some indications as to future transformations , were given in an inaugural lecture by the new professor of English Literature ( G. I Bickersteth ) at Aberdeen on 12 October 1938 ( the exact date is not without significance , as will be seen ) .
14 It is not without significance that in the present case Mr. Bookbinder 's action for libel is based upon the same complaints as those made by the council .
15 The matter of course is not without significance , because no title would have passed to the mortgagees as a result of the September document and did so by the December charge which , on any showing , is agreed to be in breach of the order of the deputy judge .
16 The title of the movement launched in this country is not without significance .
17 The fact that the patron of the movement was the Duke of Edinburgh is also not without significance .
18 It is perhaps not without significance that Wulfhere 's queen was Eormenhild , daughter of Eorcenberht , king of Kent ( 640–4 ) , a marriage probably intended to bring the Mercians more closely into association with the Anglo-Frankish world of the Kentish court at a time when their kingdom was being Christianized under Wulfhere .
19 It is also , perhaps , not without significance that Fahreddin Acemi is the first to be mentioned as receiving a salary specifically in respect of his function as Mufti , though it can not be shown beyond doubt that he was actually the first to have done so .
20 It is not without significance that throughout the debate there have never been more than half a dozen hon. Members on either side of the House .
21 Even the struggle for the control of the FE sector from 1993 between those same departments is not without significance for those who teach in schools .
22 Not without hesitation , he filled his water-bottle .
23 But not without difficulty and not until Butler had assembled a complicated financial package which included generous loans to enable the voluntary bodies to build or convert schools for secondary purposes .
24 In each case a working relationship had to be established between employment and education sectors , not without difficulty in certain areas where a lack of trust and respect between potential partners served only to highlight the depth of the cultural divide .
25 Not without difficulty she glanced at her watch , and would have sighed with relief if she had been less squashed .
26 The next day Ruth persuaded Maria , not without difficulty , to walk over to Barnswick with her .
27 The race , and the championship , were won at Monza , but not without difficulty due to Emerson 's fear of running out of fuel , which he conserved with characteristic prudence .
28 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger , whose Rome Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith co-ordinated the drafting of the documents , described it as a response to the ‘ thirst for truth and certainty ’ , but admitted that the death penalty references were ‘ discussed at length , and not without difficulty ’ .
29 Not without difficulty he undid two spring clips and lifted the lid .
30 He turned : Suki , who had been shopping , was now letting herself into the apartment , not without difficulty .
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