Example sentences of "not always [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There can be no Christian blueprint for the ‘ final ’ form of society , since it is part of its perception of the human condition that all forms of society are provisional , reflecting human sinfulness , though not always to an equal degree .
2 In theory , you can convert a road shoe to cross-country shoe or vice versa , but as midsoles and uppers are not designed for such changes , it would not always to wise to try to .
3 That this has not always to be the case in religion is demonstrated by religions like Buddhism and Hinduism where laughter plays a big part .
4 A great deal of inadequate and over-crowded housing has been removed , not always to be replaced by high-rise developments .
5 Inevitably as they settled and built , their life was more integrated into than separate from that of local communities , not always to the improvement of either , as the Visitors of Bayham found in 1472 when the Canons , life style had led several to abscond and the buildings lay ruinous .
6 But the interior meant less — though it was not always to be so — than the grounds , the lake , the woods .
7 John Watson tends to regard himself as Mike 's adopted father , but Mike has inherited the substantial Lester shareholding and this gives him a considerable amount of independence ( which is not always to John Watson 's taste ) .
8 A demand is made , often not explicit to the child ( and not always to the experimenter either ) , to which only a certain response is acceptable .
9 It has a stronger aroma and hotter flavour than its relations , not always to everyone 's liking but , provided it is used taking this into account , it is one of the best culinary herbs .
10 In addition , solicitors are eligible for appointment to the legal departments of Government Departments as described in connection with the Bar , though not always to the head positions .
11 The advice they gave was not always to the sovereign 's liking as the famous conflicts between James I and Chief Justice Coke showed .
12 Gooch was not always to convincing a figure .
13 John Lee , M.P. , made a similar point : ‘ This is , above all , an intimate field of emotional human relationships where rationality is not always to be expected of human beings .
14 They 're not always to be trusted in the long term , you know . ’
15 Sociologists wanted to have their results accepted as scientifically accurate , have worked in the same way , but not always successfully , when dealing with people , is not always to easy to think of all the things which may affect the result .
16 Italy 's honour is being saved at the moment by the private sector ; local industries and banks are adopting projects , and although the choice of priorities is not always beyond criticism , their efforts shame the government 's .
17 It is only at the wedding that the two people most concerned are actually fully involved in the decision to have a religious ceremony , albeit not always as a result of a happy consensus , but nevertheless under pressure from some influence which inculcates the belief that some benefit will accrue to the marriage from the involvement of a believed-in ‘ god ’ .
18 Baran argues that such economic actors are present in al ! forms of development , though certainly not always as capitalist entrepreneurs .
19 His lecture and recital at the RSAMD earlier in the week revealed Hamel 's genius as very profound but possibly not always as a composer .
20 The reader with a love of art is not always at the front of a publisher 's attention .
21 ‘ I am not always at the village , ’ said Allen , ‘ sometimes I go east to Lincoln , or south to Peterborough , I have been as far as Lynn .
22 But unrealized potential was exploited as well as people and European economic intervention was not always at the expense of the non-European .
23 If both partners aim at satisfaction of the other and of themselves , if both recognise that sex is not always at its peak of pleasure for both or either of them , if neither makes undue demands on partner or self ( while not imposing undue restrictions ) , if both can enjoy sexual congress free from circumstances which impose anxiety or guilt , little can go wrong .
24 Since the onset in the late 1920s of severe economic difficulties in areas of coal-mining and heavy industry , there has been a progressive shift of employment opportunities towards the South , albeit not always at the same rate .
25 Accommodation in College for Old Somervillians : We also warmly welcome graduates visiting Oxford , out of term , who would like to stay in College ; the Domestic Bursar can usually provide bed and breakfast at moderate rates , though not always at short notice .
26 They portray the fact that , yes , they come into public consultation — yes the do , not always at the right time .
27 They are not always on the best of terms with the carters with whom they have to deal , and threats of actual violence do not tend to the increase of business .
28 Rather like his brand new sponsored Mercedes , in fact ; but one of a strange series of incidents reported in the press , and not always on the cricket pages , was the fact that Beefy 's car was broken into and the radio stolen the night before he scored a century .
29 Although the sing still takes place in July , it is not always on the last Sunday of the month .
30 And it is better if you have something you are allowed to wake them up about as well , so that you are not always on the receiving end .
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