Example sentences of "not with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not with luggage as well . ’
2 This need for verbal intelligibility was recognized not only by the Reformers in the Lutheran hymns and Calvinist psalm-settings but by the semi-Reformers ( Cranmer 's view that the musical setting of his translation of the liturgy in 1544 should ‘ not be full of notes , but , as near as may be , for every syllable a note , so that it may be sung distinctly and devoutly ’ ) and the Counter-Reformers ( the direction of the Council of Trent in 1562 that the words of the Mass ‘ should be uttered clearly and perfectly , and sink quietly into the ears and hearts of the hearers ’ , not with music ‘ contrived for the empty delight of the ears ’ ) .
3 Although CD-ROMs look much like CD audio discs , they are encoded not with music but information which can be read and displayed by a computer .
4 If I had been older and wiser at the time , then I would have been sorely tempted to write back ( on Mother 's behalf ) something like this : ‘ My dear son , I must regretfully inform you , not with malice but with sorrow , that money is not easy to come by .
5 The increase in PGE 2 associated with Helicobacter pylori seems likely to be a consequence of the associated inflammatory cell infiltrate as it was seen in patients with type B ( chronic active ) but not with type C ( chemical ) gastritis , which is characterised by a paucity of inflammatory cells .
6 I interviewed Jane in the Easter term of her final year at B , at a time when she felt thoroughly disillusioned with the course , though not with university , which she had enjoyed .
7 Not with Domino in there .
8 Of the course this unity crumbles as soon as the national cause is identified not with generalities , but with more divisive specifics : not with ‘ Israel ’ in general , but with the supremacy of the Welsh language ; not with Flemishness as against Frenchness , but with a specific Flemish nationalist party .
9 But sometimes he seemed unnaturally flushed and lively — and it was not with drink .
10 In preaching at court he concerned himself not with conduct but with theology , proclaiming and elucidating the great facts of the Christian religion , reflecting and meditating on its joyful mysteries .
11 The villagers who were faced with this fearsome figure while the verses were being repeated looked upon it , not with revulsion as might be expected , but with affection — even awe .
12 His heart rose in his breast , not with hope or dread , only with awareness and acceptance .
13 As Jakobson put it , ‘ we are dealing in essence not with thought but with verbal facts ’ .
14 She suggests that the ‘ subjective , intuitive , emotional ’ ( 1986 : 29 ) methods they defend are rejected by psychology because they are associated , not with lack of scientific rigour , but with femininity .
15 On being informed of this , King Louis of France instantly had Winstanley released , declaring , ‘ We are at War with England , not with humanity ’ , and the lighthouse would be of benefit to all nations .
16 Oh these they have four , there not with lycra though are they ?
17 Not with Brownie pack .
18 The book claimed that cancer and other deformities were mistaken wills , were new organs to meet new needs dreamed up in the deep unconscious , and that therefore they should be treated not with surgery but with interest and affection — humanity was limiting its potential by cutting out the tumours , blasting the cells .
19 We are typically concerned not with income per se but with income in relation to the needs of the individual or family .
20 But he was n't going to withdraw tactically this bloody buggering time , no sir , not with brass knobs on …
21 A significant improvement was found with active treatment but not with placebo .
22 At the moment the academy has a nearmonopoly of the subject , and I would like to see it broken , in a recognition of the traditional cultural truth that good criticism can be written by poets and novelists , and indeed by people whose professional concern is not with literature at all .
23 We were trying to put a finger on what it is that humans and moles and earthworms and airliners and watches have in common with each other , but not with blancmange , or Mont Blanc , or the moon .
24 I wish to show Lord Wyatt that he may not with impunity threaten any partner of ours .
25 Thus some investigators have argued that the association is one , not with schizophrenia , but with affective psychosis .
26 Helen Burns could not come walking with me , because she was ill , not with typhus but with tuberculosis .
27 The manufacturers of plastic baths and shower trays recommend strongly that the waste fitting should be bedded into the waste outlet with a clear silicone sealant — not with putty or a non-setting mastic sealant .
28 Or , at least , not with work in the sense of going to an office or a factory .
29 Moral philosophy , then , deals not with man 's ability to ‘ represent ’ in perception , but with what Hobbes calls the ‘ motions of the mind ’ — desire , aversion , love , and benevolence .
30 Or rather , they 're going , but not with cheque book in hand and buying intentions in mind .
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