Example sentences of "not need a " in BNC.

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1 It does not need a lawyer either to draw up any document or to advise you although you may wish to consult a professional adviser if a particularly large sum is involved or if there are complicated conditions surrounding the gift .
2 Certain tender varieties of narcissi , like ‘ Paper White ’ and ‘ Grand Soleil d'Or ’ , are naturally early flowering and do not need a natural or artificial cool period in order to flower quickly and healthily indoors , but they can not be planted outside afterwards .
3 You do not need a complete conventional circuit with a long downwind leg , although this will obviously give you more time in which to have a better look at the field .
4 Sir : Labour does not need a commitment to proportional representation in order to scoop most of the centre ground at the next general election .
5 They said they had come to Britain because they did not need a visa and because they thought it was a free country .
6 Anyone who has got as far as saying this , has already thrown the first proposition overboard , because if it is ‘ the responsibility of management to do everything possible to keep prices stable or reduce prices ’ , then we would not need a commission to tell us that managements which raise prices are falling down on their responsibility .
7 They know that these well-tried and tested ways work , and do not need a scientist or advertising agency to sell them .
8 It does not need a PRS licence as copyright exists for only 50 years .
9 ‘ The fact that the Department had , in effect , advised the partnership that it did not need a licence made it difficult for the Department to point a finger of blame at them , ’ says Sir Anthony .
10 Clamping down on the professional foul does not need a change of law , simply a change of emphasis by referees .
11 In public the White House maintains that the president does not need a congressional resolution at all to use force .
12 When ninety-five per cent of the population of the Republic professes to being Roman Catholic , the Catholic Church does not need a constitutional commitment to dominate moral and social legislation .
13 Walking well that day , he did not need a stick .
14 He did not need a stick at this time , for he was feeling better than usual , and his skin would have passed for normal except for some roughness here and there easily attributable to the chafing of clothes or to taking too many baths in hard water without the benefit of bottled body oils sold by any chemist worth the name .
15 This theme has a curious persistence , but one does not need a song and dance about it .
16 ‘ The roads are excellent in Libya so you do not need a four-wheel-drive job , and there is certainly no shortage of petrol . ’
17 A British citizen with a valid passport does not need a visa to visit the U.S. for up to 90 days for holiday or business or to transit if he enters the country on an air carrier that has agreed to participate in the no-visa program .
18 He had read the script of Five Easy Pieces , whose title , it did not need a genius to work out , was designed to link back to Easy Rider ( though there were no physical connections whatsoever , apart from Nicholson himself , and the thematic stance of Easy Rider . )
19 Though his skin was pale , he had the lips and round face of a black African , and that African quality of showing that one does not need a reason to be happy .
20 It does not need a piano as such and , given time , can produce results comparable with good conventional performances , provided the operator is musically minded and can move at least one part of the body at will .
21 Most of the time they will not need a tangible reward like an extra sweet or a trip to the park .
22 Small schools that might not need a full-time officer may be able to share one .
23 It is true that a country does not need a nuclear power programme to be able to build a nuclear weapon .
24 in the middle of August , that the UK did not need a PWR , part of a debate not yet settled .
25 It does not need a gearbox , and it needs little maintenance .
26 The surveyor who is appointed as supervising officer may not need a detailed knowledge of the law surrounding building contracts but should certainly have a full working knowledge of the procedures laid down in the contract .
27 Casteleyn observed that ‘ Smaller libraries may not need a full-time training officer but may be able to benefit from the advice of a training officer employed to develop training centrally for the whole organisation ’ , and suggested that ‘ smaller authorities who were unlikely to have their own training officers should look to their authority 's training department for support ’ but it seems that in practice , smaller libraries are least likely to have an existing strong centre of training expertise to turn to .
28 The Tri-D offers excellent stability , as innumerable constructors around the world would verity , and it has the advantage of the traditional Box kite in that it does not need a bridle , and flies very w – from a directly attached line .
29 ‘ I would not need a big budget , soft lights and an abstract theme .
30 The Church should not be helping him up , but helping him over : false optimism does not need a helping hand ; it needs firstly the truth , and secondly love to salve the lost illusions and move on to a fuller humanity ( Walker 1986 : 214 ) .
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