Example sentences of "not find any " in BNC.

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1 I arrived at Annat in the early afternoon and was disappointed not to find any offers of refreshment on display .
2 When he arrived he was doing much the same thing since he was n't as naïve about the values of the secret world as she assumed : assuring himself there was nothing to suspect and being careful not to find any signs of it .
3 Some manufacturers supply larger handles with larger tools , but I have not found any discomfort with this aspect of the design .
4 She had not found any more Bacon rooms .
5 However , others have not found any evidence of co-operativity ( n H =1 ) suggesting that binding of a single molecule of InsP 3 is sufficient to account for channel opening .
6 I have not found any examples of the use of this strategy in actual translations .
7 You 've not found any at all ?
8 As far as I know , the commission has not found any other source of funding so far .
9 ‘ You keep coming back here , yet you have not found any evidence linking the deaths , or the reasons for them .
10 Not finding any , he brought back a group of modern realist pictures which he mounted as a selling exhibition , together with a loan show of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Russian pictures .
11 Instead , he talked somewhat mystifyingly about not re-writing history , not substituting latter-day judgment for that of contemporaries , and not finding any evidence that the men were treated unfairly at the time .
12 Even so , when we gathered together a superb voluntary team of some of the UK 's top communicators for both the 1983 and 1987 General Elections , the Conservative Party could not find any strategic use for them .
13 Undoubtedly , there must be outboard-motor-free boats on Moorea , but I could not find any which were nicely placed against an unspoiled backdrop of palms , beach and sky .
14 She could not find any satisfactory playmates .
15 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
16 In ( 3 ) , SPAR is able to identify both some biscuits and a bowl on the floor , allowing both definite noun phrases to be fully resolved ; but it can not find any biscuits that are already in a bowl .
17 I still wanted to add some more catfish and would have liked some of the Driftwood Cats , Tatia , or Auchenipterichthys , but could not find any , so I purchased four Whiptails , Rhineloricaria sp , and placed them in .
18 I can not find any reference to them having bred in captivity , except one paragraph , which says ‘ they may be induced to spawn by frequent water changes , which would represent the onset of the rainy season when their breeding takes place . ’
19 I have just bought a Wood catfish , but I can not find any information on it and since I introduced it to my tank , I 've never seen it .
20 If you can not find any , substitute ordinary waxy potatoes .
21 FRS did not find any clear split between men and women .
22 I can not find any specimen letters of formal resignation nor indeed any articles on the matter setting out considerations to be borne in mind .
23 She could not find any reason why Benny Hogan from the shop across the road and Eve Malone from the convent up the town should not sit and drink coffee in her bay window , but somehow she would have preferred to keep the space for wealthier and more important matrons of Knockglen .
24 I could not find any accommodation at Shiel Bridge .
25 Our study did not find any evidence of widespread dissatisfaction among older workers with either their employment or their employer prior to plant closure .
26 I did not find any improvement in actual dollars spent on maintenance when I compared an object-oriented system written in 350,000 lines of C++ with a comparably complex product written in 1.25 million lines of C code .
27 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
28 However , this study did not find any differences in morbidity between the two groups .
29 Visitors do not find any wolves today , instead — alluring shops , restaurants and much local produce .
30 What they really mean is that they can not find any acceptable community leadership to support .
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