Example sentences of "this [subord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Stockbrokers have refused to do this except for established private clients or institutions .
2 Moving on to the row on paragraph eight , again all three groups are agreed er on this except with one I think exception of a certain group .
3 Clearly the Apache 150 was unable to achieve this except at light weights and , in 1957 , the model was replaced by an Apache which sported a pair of 160 hp Lycomings .
4 Most authorities lacked such a committee before this except in a shadow , non-statutory form within the majority party caucus .
5 Subsidiarity is an old doctrine from German Catholic social philosophy and has far more to do with this than with constitutional theory .
6 Sleek , sexy styles need body and bounce and what better way to achieve this than with heated curlers — they 've been a girls best friend for decades .
7 The great majority of its members were more attracted to this than to the abuse from the Communists or to the dissensions of the ILP .
8 ‘ It is more difficult to be precise about this than about the earlier phases , partly because the pictures are rarer and less accessible , and have not been adequately photographed , partly because it includes considerable variations . ’
9 He felt more uneasy about this than about borrowing cars , but considered that the reason he wanted the money for was worthy : not as if it was coke or ciggies or similar self-indulgence .
10 The fourth principle is that ‘ personal data held for any purpose or purposes shall be adequate , relevant and not excessive in relation to that purpose or those purposes ’ — and there is more to this than at first meets the eye .
11 At least one can make more sense of this than in our first two cases .
12 The anatomy is also more strongly stressed in this than in the earlier statue , perhaps to tell against reflections in the shiny metal ; and this is something that becomes even more marked in succeeding generations .
13 There were no games , partly because they did n't know any , partly because all five were united , in this if in nothing else , in the belief that dice , cards , charades , were a frivolous waste of time .
14 Although through the efforts of Charlemagne , who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope in the year 800 , the centre of European culture began to move northwards from the Mediterranean , the Viking raids of the ninth and tenth centuries delayed the full effects of this until about the year 1000 .
15 It can do this because during the recent election campaign , there was no great disagreement about economic policy among the parties .
16 They are able to do this because with a large number of depositors it is highly unlikely that they would all want to withdraw their deposits at the same time .
17 They suffer from the drawback that warping can leave open gaps in the cladding ( waney-edged boards are particularly prone to this because of the way they are sawn ) , and so they tend to be used more on out-buildings than on house exteriors , except as feature panels .
18 The eminent Kleinian psychoanalyst , Hanna Segal , has recently declared the adult homosexual structure to be inherently pathological , disturbed , and perverse , and this because of an inbuilt , narcissistic desire for the same : ‘ homosexuality is of necessity a narcissistic condition , as the name itself betrays .
19 Capitalists exploit the workers by depriving them of this surplus value and they do this because of the nature of property in capitalist societies , where the means of production are controlled by the capitalist .
20 but is this because of the family 's bad eating habits , or is there a genetic factor ?
21 At present all the pressure for reform is on the secondary schools , and this because of the new wave of vocationalism that has swept over education since the late l970s .
22 Was this because of governmental housing policy or a poor employment record on the part of the bread-winner of the family ?
23 He was moved to do this because of the feeling that this is not a mere river but the Lord 's compassion flowing before us .
24 It has been encouraging to read of both parents and teachers objecting to this because of their belief in the Word of God .
25 In fact , the interpreter expects this because of his training and the need to understand the message .
26 Was this because of the wording of the items or the unfamiliarity of the task ?
27 Is this because of their anti-arrhythmic effect , or due to them combating heart failure ?
28 The first fish purchased were the Corydoras Arcuatus , the Skunk Cory , called this because of the black stripe running along the arch of the back .
29 We know this because of a telegram sent by Kirk at 2300 hrs that night to the State Department in Washington , asking " urgently " for advice [ KP 107 ] .
30 Was this because of your rambling ?
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