Example sentences of "are not to " in BNC.

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1 What has been seen as an aspect of the Roman catholic intellectual opposition to divorce in Chapter 5 can also be recognized as a feature of the defence of catholic schools too : the opposition contains an interpretation of the moral nature of contemporary society and of what happens to catholics who are not to some degree protected from it .
2 ‘ His Majesty 's mails are not to be interfered with .
3 The failure finally to secure 18 pubs from Bass , which would have boosted Hoskin 's estate to 29 , must have dented market confidence , a confidence that needs to be regained if they are not to be swallowed by one of the many new thrusting pub retailers actively seeking new acquisitions .
4 Pragmatists are not to be trusted . ’
5 Since it seems they are not to be permitted to cut student numbers , they are attempting to increase income .
6 If London is not to implode and if people are not to be paternalistically forced to live the way they do not want to live , new towns will have to be publicly designated .
7 First , interest rates are not to be left to market forces and free competition .
8 Artists like these , however , whose influence on lettering has been a liberating one , are not to be found in The Spirit of the Letter at Portsmouth City Museum and Art Gallery .
9 While different kinds of discrimination are not to be conflated , I believe there is something to be learned from homophobia about other kinds .
10 Food and its enjoyment are very serious business and are not to be hurried .
11 He may continue to insist that , if the ANC 's exiles are not to be prosecuted when they come home , they must list their past crimes — even though this condition is delaying their return , and therefore the talks .
12 According to the corpuscular theory these secondary ( and tertiary ) qualities arise from the arrangement , the ‘ texture ’ , of the solid , shaped , and mobile corpuscles which constitute gold , and so are not to be attributed to the corpuscles themselves .
13 Although all are good single scullers , they are not to Olympic singles standard , but combined they looked yesterday to have good potential .
14 These feelings must be taken into account if the common interests of both the producer and the consumer are not to be seen as being in conflict .
15 The belemnoids disappear from the fossil record at the end of the Cretaceous , but some of the group gave rise to living squid-like animals , and so they are not to be regarded as extinct in the same , final way as the ammonoids .
16 panning shots along the benches are not to be used .
17 According to this account the formation of associations during pre-exposure and the loss of associability are not to be thought of as rival interpretations of latent inhibition .
18 Its purpose is to examine in detail the various experimental procedures that have been said to demonstrate acquired distinctiveness and to determine which generate reliable effects that are not to be explained away in other terms .
19 God 's Spirit is called the ‘ Holy ’ Spirit , to remind us that we are not to be confused with his unique identity , nor are we perfect as he is perfect .
20 Our brief list contains four which are not to be found in the BL catalogue as we have seen .
21 This means that the dust-jackets of later editions , which relied more and more on their design to ensure sale to a mass audience , are not to be found there .
22 This policy is limited , however , in two crucial ways : first , that such ‘ choice ’ in effect reduces to the ability to pay , and ability to pay has been profoundly affected by other policies which have increased the differences among groups with regard to income and wealth ; and secondly , that many public services must be provided in the local area if they are to be of real value and if other costs , not only financial , are not to be incurred , for instance , in travelling or moving residence in order to receive them .
23 A major discovery was made at Jabirn in the Timor Sea in 1983 but it has been estimated that similar discoveries on a yearly basis would be necessary if increasing oil imports are not to be required in the future to maintain present levels of consumption .
24 If older people are not to be disadvantaged , and not to be treated as a separate class defined solely on the basis of age , it is vital that the debate about rationing care is a public one ; and that principles about equality and individual value are considered alongside economic imperatives .
25 The rights of the individual are not to be violated in the name of some collective good , whether that good be the good of the ecosystem or the good of sentient life ( both human and nonhuman ) , and independently of whether these rights are violated ‘ humanely ’ or otherwise .
26 If then you have invited the artists of Europe to send in plans for a Plan which we have no intention of executing , two questions will arise — the first is who will pay the Premiums which you propose to offer for these Plans , seeing that we could hardly propose to Parliament to vote Premiums for Plans that are not to be executed , and secondly whether the Artists of Europe will not think that they have been trifled with in being asked to send in Plans for an undertaking which the Govt had on consideration determined not to attempt .
27 At this point we go on to plant noumenal gardens that are not to be contemplated or comprehended by the understanding or conveyed in words .
28 True , the local history researcher is more likely to be pursuing investigations through source materials provided by Anglo-Saxon charters , medieval rolls , maps , land grants , muster documents and the like , but the uses of heraldry are not to be despised in the processes of rounding out historical themes .
29 any numerical measures need a good deal of explanation and background information if they are not to be misleading ; and
30 Precision is often needed if respondents are not to be confused ; to ask a person about his or her ‘ family ’ could mean to a single man his parents and siblings , but to a married man his wife and children .
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