Example sentences of "are [art] good " in BNC.

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1 In general , simple cottage garden type flowers are the best ; highly bred double varieties and hybrids are less likely to give a good seed crop .
2 At any rate , they are the best marks that were to appear on his performance schedule over the next four years , when his average ran at 56.4 per cent .
3 Eggs and ordinary liver are the best sources of iron in food .
4 They are horribly expensive but to my mind they are the best .
5 Although insulation and draught-proofing are the best ways to save money on heating bills , there are many other things you can do which , when combined , can make substantial savings .
6 Weekend conference and seminar and study group , doctoral dissertations , and communally compiled working papers toward another Annotated Index — we may agree , as I do , that in present historical conditions these are the best or the only ways of responding to the achievement of a very great , though of course imperfect , poet .
7 Fathers who are highly involved with their children at 11 , but who do not punish them , are the best protection against a criminal record in adolescence , the research suggests .
8 For now , BBC sport and Britain 's fledgling satellite companies are the best of friends .
9 These are the best teams in Wales and as such given the best chance — better , for sure , than Wales — of upsetting the New Zealanders .
10 IT TAKES about five minutes in New Zealand to comprehend why the All Blacks are the best .
11 You are the best appointment to York .
12 You are the best and most convincing appointment for London .
13 She has never had to advertise any of her products because ‘ the shops and the product are the best advertisement ’ .
14 Dr David Baker , managing director of Sigma Projects , said the Russian pictures are the best available , with resolution down to 5-10 metres , or better with computer enhancement .
15 In his comprehensive Apples Of England , Dr Taylor states that ‘ In England this variety only reaches full maturity in years of hot summers , ’ and goes on to say that ‘ Indeed , November- December-picked Sturmers are the best , ’ and , with a basket-full of fine specimens picked for the first time ever in the latter month , I agree .
16 It 's not really up to me to judge that they are the best ever .
17 The Santos coffees are the best , gleaning their flavour from the iron-rich soil in which they are grown .
18 THESE are the best of times for Moody 's and Standard & Poor 's ( S&P ) , the two American companies that dominate the world business of rating government and corporate debt .
19 John Caglione and Doug Drexler did the special effects make-up and are the best in the business .
20 Relieved , Mrs Browning did at least say , ‘ You are the best of nurses , dear , and I miss your skill . ’
21 I hope I never find myself agreeing that the old songs are the best songs , but I also hope I never forget how wonderful some of the old songs are .
22 But if the World Series really is to become a little more global , Toronto are the best bet .
23 ‘ The indifference and lack of firmness shown by the Western governments in the face of these attacks are the best proof of the existence of co-ordination between them and … the terrorist elements . ’
24 Chairman Wayne Calloway tells investors : ‘ Our pink-eyed friends on the cover are the best way we know to symbolise rapid growth — something as natural to us as it is to them . ’
25 Bargain set menus change with the market and are the best choice : Connaught-trained chef whisks up ultra-light leek terrine layered like lasagne , heaps of appley duck with green pasta tower , and neatly balanced fish casserole a la Dieppoise ; there 's also a meaty crab tart ( £3.95 ) and a choc pave as rich as the neighbourhood .
26 Are the best bargains going to petrol buyers ?
27 They relate to such key issues as : the long-standing debate about specialist and generic modes of working ; the advocacy of teams based in small neighbourhood patches and the assertion that such teams are the best way of working with informal networks and non-statutory agencies ; the official enthusiasm for ‘ mobilizing resources ’ and casting social services in an enabling role : and the advocacy of a demarcation between ‘ purchaser ’ and provider roles .
28 Every living organism is thus constrained as a result of selection to live in what John Bowlby terms its ‘ environment of evolutionary adaptedness ’ , using stable strategies of exploitation which are the best available to it .
29 And the local tavernas are the best places to sample the delicious Greek cuisine or to simply sit back with a glass of ouzo and watch the world go by .
30 I use Amway cleaning , laundry , personal care , etc. products myself because I feel that they are the BEST environmentally — friendly , cruelty-free products available .
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