Example sentences of "are [verb] to have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The club are honoured to have been associated with such a great player and his memory will live for ever around Upton Park . ’
2 All these complications are extremely rare these days in the United Kingdom , and what few cases there are tend to have acquired their infection in the thirties or forties , before widespread use of antibiotics brought the possibility of permanent cure .
3 Sceptics will argue that the chemicals we are exposed to have all been tested for safety , and should have no ill-effects at the concentrations we encounter .
4 But it also covers all arrestable offences which have ( or are likely to have or are intended to have ) certain consequences like , among other things , ‘ serious harm to the security of the State or to public order ’ , ‘ serious interference with the administration of justice ’ , ‘ substantial financial gain to any person ’ , and ‘ serious financial loss to any person ’ .
5 Mr. Lawson applies that description to people like me , who believe that tobacco advertising and sponsorship of sport are immoral and have precisely the effect that they are intended to have , which is to recruit young people into smoking .
6 According to the agency ( which may have its tongue firmly in its cheek ) the technique of their commercials is based on research by the Japanese video game firm Nintendo , and the ads are designed to have an almost hypnotic effect .
7 Insecticides used for control are designed to have a residual action which goes on killing cockroaches several months after the initial application .
8 If one does not like these features , one can use features that are designed to have a more clearly-defined phonetic meaning ( Ladefoged ( 1982 ) , chapter 11 ) , or alternatively , abandon phonetically meaningful feature labels altogether ( Fudge , 1967 ) .
9 Mairi Campbell of BOC at Cumbernauld and Jean Buchan of Playtex at Port Glasgow took part in Exercise Executive Stretch , 48 hours of physical and mental challenges that are designed to have some feedback into management skills .
10 Women receiving donated semen are recommended to have the HIV antibody test by the Dept. of Health .
11 All sites are recommended to have one LIFESPAN Training Process , where new users of LIFESPAN can experiment with the system without upsetting the live database .
12 ‘ Coping with stress ’ books often offer people a prescription : lots of techniques and good advice that are claimed to have been tried and tested and of proven value to all .
13 All sixty-five , despite wildly divergent styles ( Minimalism to Neo-Romanticism ) , and mostly diabolical qualities , are claimed to have a hot-line to the Sacred .
14 The unschooled , oral Wolof do not , then , lack the abilities of abstraction , symbolisation and formal logic that schooled , literate children are claimed to have .
15 And while you are not expected to be perfect ( who is , ever ? ) you are expected to have something to offer .
16 The Ford talks are expected to have a significant impact on pay talks throughout manufacturing industry in the next six months .
17 I think we 're now in the third phase , where women are expected to have a job , but at the same time to look after the family and keep themselves alluring to men .
18 Parents are expected to have total confidence in the school yet schools do n't often reciprocate trust and confidence in the judgement and goodwill of parents .
19 The introduction of the social fund raised issues for bureaux that the IPG was asked to clarify in the information items , thus demonstrating the breadth of understanding that the information writers are expected to have of problems in the field .
20 Articles of this genre are expected to have a happy ending .
21 Based at Dhahran , Saudi Arabia , they are expected to have mainly a reconnaissance role .
22 The explanatory variables which are utilised are expected to have an impact on union growth because they affect the opportunity and/or the propensity of workers to join a trade union .
23 Around one hundred galleries are expected to have signed up by the closing date and attendance figures are expected to be around the usual 100,000 .
24 inspectors are expected to have intimate knowledge and continuing experience of the classroom ;
25 Consequently , the authorities are expected to have devised comprehensive emergency procedures which can be implemented to deal with an accident , however remote a possibility .
26 For each key stage , programmes of study are to be drawn up specifying what pupils of different abilities are to be taught in each subject , and attainment targets set out specifying the knowledge , skills and understanding that they are expected to have acquired by the end of the stage .
27 The SVQs in Business Administration at Levels I and II are expected to have a wide appeal for employers and candidates alike and will probably be of particular interest to Youth Training ( YT ) and Employment Training ( ET ) trainees involved in office work .
28 Men can have one dark suit and wear it all day and no one will even notice , but women are expected to have the right clothes for lunch and afternoon tea and working in and then have some stunning outfit for evening .
29 Assessment of the PhD/MPhil is by thesis and viva voce In addition candidates are expected to have published a review or preliminary research findings and contributed to research seminars .
30 All courses , except where specifically arranged , are conducted in English and participants are expected to have a command of English as a working language .
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