Example sentences of "not [been] given " in BNC.

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1 The arbitrator stated that the elderly couple in question had been sold an unsuitable product and had not been given adequate risk warnings .
2 The detective , whose name and rank have not been given , is a member of the Essex force and worked at the Brentwood office of the No 5 Regional Crime Squad , covering a large area of East Anglia and the South-east .
3 Cross-examined by Richard Rampton QC , for Count Tolstoy , on the eighth day of the libel trial , Lord Aldington told the court that he now considered the interests of the Cossacks had not been given a sufficiently high priority by the British Army and the War Cabinet .
4 They had not been given details of the legislation and so were unable to counter opposition scaremongering .
5 If his marriage was in trouble it was because he and Diana had not been given a chance .
6 He had never seen such a sparsely attended panel meeting ; the panel had not been given any written papers outlining Kent Opera 's financial position .
7 Madden has been used in short bursts during the Bombers ' opening games and the ruckman has complained that he has not been given enough playing time and that this is affecting his play .
8 ‘ We are asking staff who have not been given another location to turn up at their nearest branch , where a desk and computer terminal will be provided for them . ’
9 Clear answers as to the types of weapons used in the invasion have also not been given by Washington .
10 Several times , Gedge had persuaded him to stay with the band when he had become disgruntled and ‘ warnings ’ had not been given because he ostensibly wanted to leave anyway .
11 It was later , in my wartime hospital that I first realised that the Second Commandment had not been given to Moses on Mount Sinai but to an Irish priest upon the Mountains of Mourne .
12 Handicapped people were simply those who had not been given the right tool kit .
13 those necessarily coming into effect before being laid ( e.g. , where publicity would nullify their effect ) if due notice of the fact and the reasons for it has not been given to the Speaker , ;
14 This pleasant perk was gained from Zev Bufman because the Broadway company had not been given Dustin 's permission to use certain material on him in the programme .
15 Where an aggravation is produced , the optimum potency has not been given and the symptoms have been brought out too rapidly for the body to be able to handle harmoniously .
16 Last night the Foreign Office said : ‘ We can see now it would have been better if the advice had not been given . ’
17 ‘ I am particularly sad that my mother has not been given an opportunity even to purchase his Military Cross , ’ said Maxwell , who is now a job consultant after being made Britain 's biggest bankrupt , with £400 million debts .
18 The question we must ask is why the real story has not been given ?
19 ‘ We did ask for extra help for first-time buyers through the tax relief system and we are disappointed that this has not been given .
20 The 22-year-old , in a coma since he was injured during the FA Cup semi-final at the Sheffield Wednesday ground on April 15 , 1989 , had not been given artificial help to survive since February 22 .
21 New Zealand Test star Iro has not been given a new contract by Manly and was offered back to Wigan last week .
22 ‘ And I 've not been given a good reason for it . ’
23 He did one thing in Hollywood for which he has not been given anything like sufficient credit .
24 This fish has not been given a common name and is usually referred to as the ‘ sebae ’ .
25 Broadly , the survey confirmed that parents of children with special needs had not been given a real choice of placement , and that they had to fight hard for mainstream provision if this was their choice .
26 The majority of these children have not been given the tools to function as black people .
27 Very small constellations have not been given separate maps , and in each case I have added some of the stars in adjacent groups to help in identification .
28 ‘ Over the past hundred years there has never been a real commitment to the formation of a contemporary art collection and the cost of establishing one has not been given much thought ’ , says Corral .
29 But the GMC has not been given the power to set out which treatments are ‘ scientifically validated ’ and therefore permissible and those that are not and therefore forbidden .
30 The results for specific questions are those actually obtained and have not been given to the nearest five per cent .
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