Example sentences of "not [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He even tried not to breathe all .
2 Of course , I 'd expect you to sign an affidavit promising not to extort any more money from Corosini . ’
3 It is impossible not to connect this finding both with the introduction of machines and with the increasing alarm among the men .
4 Take great care not to connect any other pin by mistake .
5 This preparation has been shown not to affect epithelial cell proliferation .
6 The disruption from 9.15 am to 9.45 am was designed not to affect other commuters , only gangs of chainsaw-wielding BR workers .
7 Lord Gardiner himself thought that political views ought not to affect judicial appointments at all , and he pursued this policy during his period of office as Lord Chancellor ( 1964 ) .
8 Despite Fujimori 's assurances to the OAS , US Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger stated that the USA would adopt a wait-and-see attitude on whether or not to restore all or part of US$320,000,000 in suspended economic and security aid .
9 Cameron pretended not to see young Donald till he was close beside him , then turned in mock surprise and said to him , ‘ Well well , Donald — we had given you up .
10 David Batty , the combative Leeds and England midfielder , is anxious not to see all the hard work put in this term go unrewarded .
11 ‘ All those cosy pictures of the family around the fire , all that stiff upper lip during the war — and now she is determined not to see all her work go down the drain . ’
12 She came to see him once , was shy and vague and noncommittal , later wrote to say it was best for them not to see each other again .
13 Indeed his fellows were not to see that cadet again .
14 The last three elections were all foregone conclusions , and the last-minute swings against the party that was clearly going to win in two of them — against the Tories in 1979 and 1983 — probably only reflected some floating voters ' desire not to see any party have too large a majority .
15 Earlier , he had visited the museum of San Martino , not to see any of the exhibits but just to take in the view , the huge curve of the Bay .
16 But , more importantly , I have learnt not to see any stage of my life as the final one .
17 In the interests of unity , Constantine deliberately blurred distinctions between Christianity , Mithraism and Sol Invictus — deliberately chose not to see any points of contention between them .
18 Ruth saw thrown spears hang in the air as if floating in water , and she thrust herself down into the grass , her face in her hands so as not to see any more .
19 It requires hard work not to see this .
20 ‘ It seems to me , ’ he continued , ‘ if you 've got a personal contact like this , knowing the family background and all that , you 'd be crazy not to see this girl . ’
21 The third way is to have shares of employees , but not to see this as a solution for social questions .
22 Later , at least for many years , she was not to see this time as part of her life , and perhaps therefore it need not now be told at length .
23 Perhaps we tend not to see this year 's household survey as an historical datum because it is the human condition to flatter ourselves that our own lives are outside time , and therefore outside history .
24 As Butler and Stokes point out , " It is difficult not to see this as evidence of the acceptance of the view that British society is divided into two primary classes .
25 Little did the young policeman know that he was not to see either of his colleagues alive again .
26 The concern of the six states of the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) stemmed from several considerations : regret that two neighbouring Muslim states should be spilling one another 's blood ; anxiety lest the conflict provoke the intervention of one or both superpowers , with dangerous consequences ; fear lest member states be attacked by one of the belligerents if they were suspected of sympathizing with the other ; a feeling that a conflict of this sort diverted Arab and outside world attention and resources from the paramount issue of palestine ; a desire not to see either belligerent emerge from the conflict so strengthened by the spoils of victory as to become the most powerful entity in the Gulf ; and , finally , anxiety lest their internal security should be threatened as a by-product either of the war or of Iran 's revolution .
27 It is important also not to pretend that library censorship is such a small problem that it can be safely ignored .
28 ‘ You mean , you 've just come down ? ’ said Bob , trying out of politeness not to sound incredulous .
29 Trying not to sound breathless , she asked , ‘ What do you want to know ? ’
30 Now he looked over at Cameron , taking stock of the quizzical lift of his right eyebrow when he looked out below his black fringe , the down-turn of his mouth under his long curved nose , and began to recapitulate his argument with care , uncomfortably aware that Angus might think he was trying not to sound drunk .
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