Example sentences of "not [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 Personally I liked it , but felt it was not worth all the publicity I had helped create for it .
2 Batman Returns ( Warner 15 , out now ) is better but still not worth all the hoo-hah .
3 You 've never done it so you wo n't bloody start now , it 's not worth all the hassle , for god sake , you know damn well it 's wrong oh there 's another load next door now , in a white van
4 Sell when you can , you are not for all markets .
5 You wo n't get him stopping here , not for all the tea in China .
6 Yet the Mani is not for all tastes .
7 Exercise 6 suggests a method for dealing with the case where the LP is unbounded or infeasible at θ = 0 , but not for all values of 0 .
8 For many , but not for all , there is a greater degree of choice about where we live , though , ironically , changing household lifestyles often introduces new constraints as more members go out to work .
9 But not for all .
10 ‘ As for me , sir , ’ she said , ‘ I wo n't stay there alone , not for all the money in the bank ! ’
11 He stressed that the CP would continue to demand a whites-only general election , and that " this is not the end of the political war " ; the CP would recognize the referendum result " as the actual situation , but not for all eternity " .
12 ‘ And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me , but walk contrary unto me , ’ he read out , ‘ then will I walk contrary unto you also in fury ; and I , even I , will chastise you seven times for your sins .
13 Not for all the hassle we get .
14 I would n't have this girl 's job — not for all the tea in China !
15 never had a not for all the things
16 but not for all these , you know
17 Newport ..... 13 Barbarians .. 40 SO THE Welsh have not after all severed all links with South Africa .
18 Not after all you 've done for the Corporation .
19 And then , on top of such bad news , came another message , a letter from Phoebe saying she could not after all repay Wilson 's kindness by standing in for her because she had this very day been ordered back to England and arrangements she had no part in had been made .
20 So it was not after all , the pressure from the farmers , or the cost , or the private discussions with the fertiliser manufacturers which had motivated the UK to drag its feet over nitrates , but a uniquely shrewd insight into the better interests of public health .
21 That was the first weakness , the first failure , which had led on , so inevitably , through the series of , not after all so many , girls who did not matter , to the girl who mattered ; and to the point where Franca 's complaisant kindness must come to an abrupt end .
22 He did not after all suggest passing conduct of the investigation over to Duroc 's police , which suggested less confidence in them , or more in Thiercelin , than the latter had anticipated .
23 The artist Benjamin Haydon was already £600 in debt when he heard that the Royal Academy would not after all be buying his painting Macbeth for 500 guineas .
24 They had n't made university and the difference between their comfortable life style — houses on an executive estate , en suite bathrooms , artificial coal fires in what they called the lounge , working wives , a new car every two years and timeshares in Majorca — provided both with agreeable hours of self-satisfied comparisons which he knew would always end with the same conclusion , that he ought to pull himself together , that it was n't right , not after all the sacrifices Mum and Dad had made to send him to college , and a fine waste of money that had proved .
25 Ceauşescu was not after all Pol Pot , though in his last hours on earth perhaps he wished that he had been .
26 Not going to put up with that , I was n't , not after all that service .
27 ‘ Search for what , since you 're not after all the heroin , or whatever I 'm supposed to have been ferrying around the islands for a week ? ’
28 Last month , after checking with the experts in Moscow , we felt compelled to publish the disappointing news that Ivan the Terrible 's library has not after all been found , whatever Pravda and The Times might say .
29 Either it might see what could be done within the area which Kant had left to it ; or it might ask whether there might not after all be rather more to be said about the way in which genuine knowledge of God is made possible .
30 He could n't go back now , not after all the planning and scheming of the last few months .
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