Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 A more serious problem with Deffenbacher 's approach in terms of the ability to generalize the results to other settings is that his distinction between studies which did and did not successfully manipulate violence level or personal threat can be argued to be post hoc .
2 It follows that in our judgment C.N.L. can not successfully bring themselves within the ratio of Peach v. Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [ 1986 ] Q.B .
3 The disparities between rich and poor were becoming greater and they were not successfully justified in the official media .
4 That Sri Lankans were involved in much litigation and that the judicial system was based on alien principles can not be denied , but contemporaries did not successfully explain the link between these two facts .
5 One profession can not successfully isolate and combat infection .
6 The attempt is found occasionally in the work of their pupils , and at this time becomes quite frequent , but in vase-painting at least it is not successfully achieved until quite late in the century .
7 Despite joint ventures in Europe with Philips and Olivetti , and in Spain , AT&T did not successfully achieve the same status as the existing ‘ foreign legion ’ telecoms equipment suppliers ; Siemens of Germany and Ericsson continued their traditional success as equipment suppliers in many countries , and ITT largely held on to its foreign markets both under its US ownership and when it came under majority French ( Alcatel ) control in 1986 .
8 And Alex Stewart seemingly can not successfully combine wicket-keeping and batting .
9 If they are not successfully concluded in the next few months a major objective of the single market will not have been achieved : far from becoming more internationally efficient and competitive , EC industry will fall further behind in a world of growing protectionism and trade blocs .
10 In his 1955–56 Annual Report , at the end of a year when insufficient Terminal courses had been provided to use up all available Ministry grant , he commented that ‘ we may find it increasingly difficult to resist a reduction in the number of tutor-organisers we now employ , let alone claim a further appointment , if additional Terminal courses are not successfully organised in both established and new centres ’ .
11 Stewart does not successfully refute the statement that the principal reason for the difference between the 1988 and 1990 forecasts was the reduction in HIV transmission among homosexual/bisexual men in the mid-1980s , the extent of which only became apparent between the reports .
12 But M3 was not successfully targeted in the early Thatcher years .
13 The warmer the climate the more they are in evidence , because the living reptiles are ‘ cold blooded ’ ( without their own internal heat regulator ) and they can not successfully live in very cold climates .
14 Jasmine was like many horses : sold as a three-year-old because her owner had found that he could not successfully train her .
15 If consent were not successfully produced and reproduced , this could ultimately affect the condition and prospects of the economic base , not least by making a great deal of difference to the likely success of the revolutionary struggle .
16 Ability alone was clearly not the only factor influencing the promotion of naval officers , and it is not surprising that some of those promoted did not successfully fill their new posts .
17 We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain , only to see them reimposed at a European level , with a European superstate exercising a new dominance from Brussels .
18 Many do not successfully complete this journey as anemones are often a limited resource on the reef and most of the fry are eaten by predators before they can reach protection .
19 Thus , the exploration of a present-day divergent state of language resembles the exploration of a historically attested state to the extent that we can not successfully describe either of these in terms of an external ( and usually superordinate ) variety .
20 But if politicians can not successfully steer the agenda , then that reflects a professional failure for which the price may be high .
21 ‘ I 'd only ever given him pills before , and I 'm not medically trained , but it 's surprising how quickly you get used to it .
22 It is now suggested that ‘ he does n't know anything about politics ’ — in effect , that he is not medically qualified for his spin-doctoring consultancy .
23 New patients should be discussed in detail , particularly if the therapist is not medically qualified and there is a possibility of the patient suffering from psychiatric disorder .
24 Medical teachers in Britain may be divided into three main groups : a tiny minority who are trained in educational theory and methods ( who often are not medically qualified themselves ) , staff holding official ‘ teaching ’ appointments but without formal teacher training , and NHS doctors who teach ( in effect , most NHS doctors ) .
25 ( 10 ) In any case where under the provisions of this Article the Directors may require a Transfer Notice to be given in respect of any Shares , if a Transfer Notice is not duly given within a period of two weeks of demand being made , a Transfer Notice shall be deemed to have been given in respect of such Shares at the expiration of the said period .
26 ( 10 ) In any case where under the provisions of this Article the Directors may require a Transfer Notice to be given in respect of any Shares , if a Transfer Notice is not duly given within a period of two weeks of demand being made , a Transfer Notice shall be deemed to have been given in respect of such Shares at the expiration of the said period .
27 But that case was the subject of research by Mr. Glick and his team , and was revealed ( from the reports in Lofft 655 and in the State Trials 20 St.Tr. 239 ) to be a cause celebre in which the great issue ( of immense public interest ) related to the power to levy taxes in the island of Grenada following its capture from the French King , it being accepted by the Crown without argument that the relevant taxes , if not duly levied , must be repaid .
28 A default judgment must , however , not be recognised if the defendant was not duly served with the document which instituted the proceedings or with an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence .
29 By ss20 and 21 of the Solicitors Act , a person who is not duly qualified to practise commits an offence if he acts as a solicitor or pretends to act as such .
30 Such a correspondence would ensure that no political party exercises undue influence and control over the means of communication or that the means of communication do not overwhelmingly support one political party .
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