Example sentences of "not [art] new " in BNC.

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1 But it was not the new road that Miss Danziger took in the rain that morning .
2 The contributing factor to the abandonment of the parish coffin in the seventeenth century was not the new and innovative trade of funeral furnishing — though that did have a profound effect on coffin types — but pestilence and the plague .
3 But he 's not the new Maradona , or the new Cryuff , or the new Pele .
4 Whether or not the new guidebook 's editor includes all this in his volume will be a test of his , and the club 's position and historical responsibility .
5 Contrary to what you may have heard , Ketamine is not the new Ecstasy .
6 Steve Coogan : not the new Mike Yarwood
7 The vehicle depicted at the top of the page eight ( and described in the article as being twelve feet long with an end balcony ) is not the new catering vehicle , but a bogie brake van built for use on the railway by Peter Briddon ( Now better known as the proprietor of Yorkshire Engine . )
8 At any rate , should not the New Testament material be studied critically and carefully with these questions in mind ?
9 Jill returned , saying that it was Mrs Mellings , for her father , and it took Alice some moments to realise that this must be her mother , not the new Mrs Mellings , who at this moment would be already on her way to the pleasures of a weekend in Kent .
10 A pre-filter of simple gravel ( we have tested a prototype GSM — not the new model — which still suffered from the age old problem of clogging , which also afflicts simple foam pre-filters ) .
11 The political/military coalition against Iraq , consisting of a cold war Nato axis and a cluster of militarily semi-detached comprador states , reflects the old order , not the new .
12 Even if he 's not the new Night Mayor , he 's certainly up there on my list of notable detriments to the community . ’
13 Er one , in regard to how they would operate it and secondly in regard to what would be expected of them , perhaps if they were attached to one of the older type machines and not the new machines you see .
14 All the deaths in the past , some were history , those were painless , but not the new ones .
15 ‘ Mind you , it 's probably not the New Internationalist those racists were after .
16 The most telling evidence of all that Sunday trading is a costly mistake , for which the whole nation is paying a heavy price , is not the new year phoney price war by the supermarket chains but their savage attack on the living standards of the employees .
17 The general assumption of Gratian and his collaborators ( ironically they may well have been monks working with him in the Camaldolese monastery in Bologna and not the new secular law clerks of the future ) was that the contradictions in the early canon law were only superficial or apparent .
18 But existing power structures , not the new technology , will determine the boundaries of the new sources of power .
19 If the French do not ratify these proposals as may appear likely now er how late can the minister leave it before he informs the people that they must fight the European elections on the old boundaries and not the new ?
20 ge , and not the new firms have started that .
21 It 's not every new art gallery that gets a royal send off , but then again not many are as special as this one .
22 Not a new situation , for there are ample historical parallels .
23 If that 's not a new start to a better life , what is ?
24 Do note that the extension is not a new bout , and any penalties incurred in the original bout are carried forwards into it .
25 This is not a new issue and I have spoken to the Tyne Brewery and its counterpart at Masham on several occasions in the past and tried to argue that ‘ brewed in Newcastle and Masham ’ would indeed be a more honest alternative to their current advertising policy .
26 I 'M NOT a New Man ; I 'm a failed house-husband , ’ moans Walter in Graham Swannell 's self-directed two-hander .
27 By the same token , Marrakech is not a new comedy ; it is a failed feasibility study for one .
28 VARI is not a new process — Lotus first used it to make Elite bodies in 1974 .
29 Of course , lack of funding for systems and training , capital costs and development are at the root of the malaise over computerisation — and this is not a new problem for the NHS .
30 REGRESSIVE ROCK : the enemy is not a new breed of post-punk dinosaurs , but of post-punk mice , or voles .
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