Example sentences of "not [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 No one thought the speaker should have added that they would not hew wood for Lord Salisbury ; the divisions within the Council which would become so painfully evident over the Boer War were between Gladstonian Liberals and Liberal Imperialists , with the odd Liberal Unionist added for decoration , not between Liberals and Conservatives .
2 As early as 1976 , the Layfield Committee was distinguishing not between counties and districts , but between ‘ major spending authorities ’ and the rest in their discussions of the possible introduction of a local income tax ( Layfield 1976:196 ) .
3 The relevant — and revealing — comparison is not between CDs and cassettes , but between Britain and America .
4 Fergus ' London also remains haunted by his IRA past , which Jordan shows as a conflict not between factions , but between different kinds of humanity — with Fergus himself seeming shockingly sympathetic after the media black-out on real-life terrorists .
5 most public co-operation is between men , and not between men and women , or between women ;
6 The crucial distinction to be drawn within the curriculum is , as I have argued , not between arts and sciences but between the practical and the theoretical .
7 ‘ It would be better to ask young people to show what they could do against explicit criteria so that the challenge would be between the person and the task , not between individuals , with one person 's success being another 's failure , ’ the report says .
8 Nevertheless the dividing line between the musicians who composed both Latin and English church music and those who composed only English music must be drawn not between Catholics and Protestants but between generations .
9 That is not to say that Parliament does not have a significant influence on the pattern of public expenditure , but it is exercised in various indirect ways at the formative stage of determining the pattern of public expenditure , and not through variations in the government 's proposals once they have been laid before the House .
10 Buy some computer magazines — you will find that many companies sell direct , not through dealers .
11 Times were changing ; the popes had abolished the use of chrism in the imperial anointing , had denied the authority of kings over priests ; the time would shortly come when the popes themselves claimed to be vicars of Christ , and interpreted the phrase to mean that in the last analysis all earthly authority was mediated through them , not through kings .
12 Gagnon and Simon have been less historically specific , but both interactionists and Foucault tend to the view that sexual behaviour is organised not through mechanisms of ‘ repression ’ but through powers of ‘ incitement ’ , definition and regulation .
13 It was made clear to a friend of mine who was dying that he was not wanted on the ward , not through words but by the minimum care he was given after an unsuccessful operation and the refusal of any doctor to speak to him .
14 Right and that was the result we generally observe in agriculture in that , for example , if you have ever been down to er the West the West of England where there is a number of apple growers you will find that when there is a very big harvest , right , apples just left to rot on trees , right , simply because it is not worth farmers harvesting er those apples because they wo n't get er price to cover their average vanable costs .
15 Zaghlul and his colleagues had been deported to Malta , but Britain was forced to allow them to go to Paris , though not as negotiators .
16 Secondly there are things which would have occurred , if he had not acted thus , but not as consequences of some alternative action of his .
17 Victims should continue to be regarded as useful and valued working colleagues , not as invalids .
18 Yet these , finally , have to be set down as complications of the market process , and not as factors which override it .
19 In order to make the most efficient use of space and to preserve accuracy , numerics are stored in a data file in binary format , not as strings of characters .
20 They 'll never come back from that 7-1 slaughter at Blackburn — at least , not as champions .
21 We do need order , concern , mutual consideration and careful thought , but not as devices to suppress the darker forces .
22 Those who will continue to do so will be there of their own free will as status bearers of the nuclear family , a role common enough among English women , but not as possessions .
23 Is the covenant a relation between God and Jewish males , in which Jewish women are included under it , but not as persons who enter into the contract in their own right ?
24 Managers of trust hospitals will be judged on their ability to manage and not as apparatchiks of a political dogma .
25 We are not as women living in a political and social vacuum .
26 Whether the objects are books , furniture , or cars , individuals are seen by Simmel as increasingly coming into relationship with them , not as producers who fail to recognize their products , but as consumers who have to determine their own development in this world of goods .
27 Findings discovered in this way should be seen as sources of hypotheses for further testing , not as results in themselves .
28 Not as colours .
29 No , not as colours , no .
30 The question seemed to give the headmaster trouble , as if he was accustomed to regard boys en masse , not as individuals .
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