Example sentences of "this time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was in the same place with the same registrar but this time everyone was there , including me . ’
2 Erm this time everyone 's at Wembley and you 're asking people , Right , if you draw this time we draw three big circles in the middle of Wembley , okay , and ask people to come and say which football team they think is a good one .
3 Thanks for sending them in and this time everyone 's a winner ( phew !
4 But this time somebody was murdered .
5 This time nothing was going to go wrong .
6 This time nothing went wrong .
7 Only this time nothing happened ; the reverser stayed deployed , continuing to drag the aircraft to the right .
8 Oliver touched the toad again , but this time nothing happened .
9 A crisis of confidence among Britain 's producers was the result of this sort of taunting , and from around this time one begins to detect in the press a sense that the nation 's honour was threatened by its film industry 's parlous condition .
10 At the other extreme , the NOP poll for the Independent on Sunday — giving Labour a three-point lead and putting the Liberal Democrats on only 17 per cent — would likewise result in a hung parliament , but this time one in which Labour would be the largest party with 317 seats , compared with the Tories ' 296 and the Liberal Democrats ' 14 .
11 This time one came off ; the man who ran the shy picked it up and gave it to Emmie .
12 This time one may suppose that the sequence is : 3 , 6 , 12 , 24 , … , ∞ .
13 By this time something else had become apparent .
14 As usual I left the house and walked towards the gate , but this time something strange happened .
15 Ordinarily she would have relished the variety which the creators of Moloch had offered up for her pleasure without a qualm or a second thought , but this time something was getting to her , making her nervous .
16 This time something struck Rincewind 's hand , heavily .
17 During this time something like eighteen checks on the system are made and the dots appear as these tests are progressed .
18 By this time nobody was paying any attention , just stamping round any old how .
19 The enormity of what had gone wrong struck him afresh and he started kicking the door and yelling again , but this time nobody answered , not even the snoring drunks .
20 This time nobody looked at his trousers and his shoes .
21 But probably by this time nobody would still have been listening .
22 ‘ You know we are Jews and Jews remember what happened 50 years ago and during this time nobody in the world was doing anything to save the Jews , ’ Kahn told reporters at Zagreb 's Pleso airport .
23 As a consequence , they dislike having to attend incidents at this time which are so serious that action can not be avoided .
24 Nathan is behind this time which means I can have the occasional shouted conversation with Tony .
25 The Carboniferous is popularly known as the ‘ Age of Amphibians ’ , and it is true that the amphibians reached a dominance in the vertebrate world at this time which they never again equalled .
26 It is this time which pays dividends .
27 We need an effective independent regulator , not the mafia regulating mafia and saying it 's quite understandable boy , we 'll let you off this time which is what happens now er with the Institute of Chartered Accountants er as a recognised supervisory body er in this er in this particular field .
28 By this time they were starting to review the situation steadily , forecasting the Duke of Atholl 's likely moves , wording formal requests for warrants to meet in larger groups , arguing furiously over the likelihood of being able to get weapons from the armouries at Atholl or Taymouth Castle .
29 By this time they had left the classroom and were walking down one of the long , high-ceilinged corridors of the Faculty building .
30 This time they took up Bright 's original suggestion and spliced the cable in mid-ocean on July 29 1858 .
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