Example sentences of "this is a " in BNC.

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1 In the UK the spread of infection has slowed down but the numbers ill and needing care are continuing to rise and this is a reflection of levels of infection some years ago .
2 This is a passage about The Slave Ship , painted by the artist in 1840 ; it comes from Modern Painters .
3 ‘ Socialist Realism ’ has been described by Ernst Fischer as implying ‘ the artist 's or writer 's fundamental agreement with the aims of the working class and the emerging socialist world ’ ; in short , this is a stance of political progressivism .
4 For example , this is a passage of interpretive description of a Van Gogh self-portrait : ‘ … his emaciated , luminous head with its burning eyes set off against a whirlpool of darkness .
5 A typical decision for planning a survey is to take a century , or the reign of some sovereign to delimit a period ; this is a device with no relationship to the artistic activity of the time .
6 This is a fine opportunity for a sustained piece of writing , calling on a range of historical and artistic data , and including the art critical views not only of the author , but also criticism written at other periods .
7 ‘ Making Their Mark ’ could equally well have been called a mixed exhibition ; but this is a term more often used for a show put on by an exhibiting society , that type of artists ' organisation whose importance in Europe was created by the middle classes , who sought in the eighteenth century to buy pictures rather than give commissions , as aristocratic patrons had been accustomed to do .
8 More often auctions are not reviewed ; this is a pity , since the management of markets in art deserves scrutiny .
9 Secondly , the formal analysis which is second nature to a Western critic can be fruitful , even though it could be argued that this is a way of interpreting the objects of an unfamiliar culture rather than a description .
10 Named after the mansion in Wuthering Heights , this is a desolate agricultural commune run by Jimmy Ahmed , back from London , where he has been in some vague way a celebrity .
11 This is a possibility to which an admirer of the novel keeps having to revert .
12 This is a very different work from Biswas .
13 This is a book which takes for granted , and which has doubts about , the mingling of peoples , and it is a book which takes pride in its chosen people — Salim 's people and , in some measure , Naipaul 's .
14 This is a split that can rarely have been witnessed in Glasgow — which does not indicate that he was at fault in consulting his analyst , but does indicate that these autobiographies are sited in very different places .
15 This is a male view of the matter , in which women are attacked , and which had me admiring these ugly sisters .
16 In pretending here to be someone other than himself who keeps murdering people , he does a tremendous job : this is a more than serviceable argot for the age in question and for the wizard in question .
17 Since its arrival in the eighteenth century , this is a literary mode which has recurrently been pronounced dead but which has been capable of renewal , and now Ackroyd has given a further turn to the wheel .
18 In other respects , however , this is a cogent and sensible account ( which was constrained by a barbarous embargo on quotation ) .
19 This is a lapse on his part , but is hardly comparable with Jaromil 's treatment of his mendacious redhead .
20 The reader who believes he is learning things about Imperial Ethiopia may be equally inclined to tell himself that this is a country of the mind , constructed on principles not very different from those of the Samuel Johnson who devised , for the Abyssinia of Rasselas , just representations of general truths and of a common humanity .
21 This is a scoop , and he fights his way back through wildernesses , road-blocks , threats of ambush , to inform Warsaw .
22 Excellent use is made of the text of Tom Jones , but it is now less detectable that this is a writer who has done his stint of teaching English literature at university level .
23 This is a bad day for Patrick , who had volunteered that Simon was ‘ one of a certain … persuasion ’ .
24 This is a progress which has found its haven in the achievements of Mrs Thatcher , and the Patrick of the Eighties will have to deal with that .
25 This is a nice fellow speaking .
26 This is a state which Zuckerman experiences and which he sends up .
27 This is a view which would accord with the dualistic tradition to which his novels predominantly belong .
28 If you were to tell me that there are people , like the man upstairs to whom you now threaten to turn yourself in , who actually do have a strong sense of themselves , I would have to tell you that they are only impersonating people with a strong sense of themselves — to which you could correctly reply that since there is no way of proving whether I 'm right or not , this is a circular argument from which there is no escape .
29 This is a self which there may be ‘ no way of proving ’ .
30 This is a generic something : I am speaking here of a literary practice long and widely and variously undertaken , in relation to which Roth is both critic and executant .
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