Example sentences of "this in the " in BNC.

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1 Of course , if there are thermals about , do all this in the lift , provided there are no other gliders sharing your thermal !
2 There is a passage of great beauty and relevance to this in The Favourite Game ( pp116 ) , in which Breavman reflects on his family , its prominent position , and its meaning :
3 Petipa attempted this in The Daughter of Pharaoh .
4 ‘ I am doing this in the interest of the great majority of our people , ’ she said .
5 Taking this in the spirit in which it was written — as a joke — Mr Ford 's self-deprecation is admirable , but his limited understanding of what his role as an ex-president could be is appalling .
6 The term which gives shorthand expression to this in the sociology of policing is ‘ common sense ’ .
7 Prince Charles comments on this in the John Muir Newsletter and refers to Unna 's wishes first expressed 50 years ago .
8 All this in the most magnificent scenery , a national park where the natural forest has n't been logged for years and grazing sheep is prohibited so as not to upset the natural balance .
9 Even more importantly the Association will do this in the most practical way possible — by helping those who are now in welfare need .
10 Chamberlain refers to this in the same breath as mentioning an argument between the Marquess Buckingham and Hamilton over ‘ the selling of honours and abasing ancient nobility , by new advancements ’ .
11 They found confirmation of this in the one fact that nearly all nineteenth-century anthropologists were agreed upon , that what characterized primitives ( if not perhaps the most primitive ) was the predominance of kinship ties as the organizing principle of society .
12 But when you consider this in the context of its well-weighted precision and speed , it gives little cause for complaint .
13 Faith as I see it — by a Layman ’ ; and although there was first a certain amount of debate about what the nature and title of the broadcasts should be , Lewis began to do this in the late summer of 1941 , taking the train from Oxford to London every Wednesday evening , and broadcasting from 7.45 to 8.00 p.m .
14 There were none of this in the beginning , in the first two years , but at the time of ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ , a lot of drugs began to come in , a lot of alcohol came in with different individuals , which helped fuel things .
15 Presumably Mr Yeltsin was doing all this in the name of some ideas or policies , but he barely mentions them .
16 The Cartesians concede something like this in the case of brute animal life .
17 We went through all this in the late-Seventies with Bethnal Green Hospital — a much-loved general hospital that was first geriatrified and then closed completely .
18 Ali talks about this in the Chicago airport .
19 There is a snatch of this in the Roman Mass for Easter Day which talks in terms of ‘ O felix culpa ’ — ‘ O blessed sin which wrought man 's redemption ’ .
20 He put this in the breast pocket of his leather jacket , next to his heart .
21 Let's go to bed , and finish this in the morning . ’
22 Clegg has examined the reasons for this in the early 1930s and suggested that employers were not well organized at this time and that there were fewer jobs being lost in the early 1930s than in the early 1920s .
23 In this book , Leonie Archer looks at the effects of this in the Judaism of antiquity , where blood has a major significance in ritual both in the sacrifices in the Temple and in the shedding of blood in circumcision — the ‘ Covenant ’ between God and his people .
24 The husband has an obligation to satisfy his wife in bed , and the rabbis have written about this in the Talmud , the Jewish law books .
25 It would not have been necessary otherwise to insert an advertisement like this in the New Yorker :
26 Consider what you can do to avoid this in the future .
27 I 've discussed this in the chapter on radio and television .
28 A friend showed me this in the newspaper .
29 That is , the common ancestor of these phyla was much simpler in its anatomy than any of them , and the anatomical complexities ( e.g. segmented body plan , skeletal structures , image-forming eyes ) evolved independently in the different phyla , although it is impossible to be sure of this in the absence of an adequate fossil record before about 600 million years ago .
30 J. B. Priestley recognised this in the extract chosen by Mr Hamilton from The Good Companions : ‘ … it [ Bruddersford United AFC ] offered you more than a shilling's-worth of material for talk during the rest of the week , a man who had missed the last home match of t'United had to enter social life on tiptoe in Bruddersford . ’
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