Example sentences of "by you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ye Mauchline bairns , as by ye pass
2 I thought I 'd end up feeling frustrated by you staying on your moralistic high horse without ever offering any concrete political proposals .
3 Father we pray for Alan and Gaynor Stevens , and their family as they are prepared by You to serve in Rugby .
4 In presenting the main commentary , remember that readers will either have the original table before them or a number of tabular extracts presented by you to clarify points of interest .
5 Let me just , le I 'm not really a , I 'm not really a very numerate political scientist but let me just run some numbers by you to give you an idea of the escalation of the change .
6 When you had the blues erm near by you said at one time that it was just away from here , was there , was there any , was it , was there any bother after that after the blues then or was it okay ?
7 ‘ And we can make a start by you calling me Niall .
8 Transmission by you enables a ground operator , with special equipment , to note the bearing of your aircraft at the moment of your transmission .
9 ‘ You know she 's far too intimidated by you to do that ! ’
10 to Sue wanted to point out that er erm how well your staff had er worked on er that what they had done er er all over the town i in some instances er enabling people to get to their rights by you know , taking them to tribunals which is quite er time er er exercise .
11 We might do it amongst our family , we can do it er by you know helping within the family , you can do it by helping in the community , all sorts of different ways .
12 So we sauntered home and by the time just when we got home perhaps by you know we 'd get home at nine , by quarter past nine er we saw the Zeppelin come over .
13 Because y do n't forget that in the past , building societies have always been taken over by you know , sort of friendly merger .
14 surprising he can get rid of the property by you know , sort of letting the building society or someone have it , have the capital out of it , and use that capital as well , cos if he 's single he 's got no dependent well ,
15 The Encyclopedia has , by you know has all the words .
16 It 's just been taken over by you know , it 's gone into the big big time er Oh dear me , I forget his name now .
17 I do n't I thin I think there 's probably a lot lot less sexism just in terms of I think we 've won their respect by you know and and certainly when th they did n't want us to picket in the beginning , and then over the months really the women have done quite a lot of successful picketing when we 've been asked and and we 've staged quite big pickets quite a lot of you know the big pickets were really organized and the rallies have been organized by us and really sort of quite a lot of the input into into the strike I think has come from the women 's support group in in quite a unique way .
18 And you know it is amazing what you can achieve really by you know there is such a lot of scope really .
19 We get people you say well I , you know somebody told me a couple of months back how to use the diary system by you know putting the note in and then dating it when you want to remind yourself been in the company ten years you know all this sort of stuff and it 's just useful bits you know the whole and all this sort of stuff .
20 this was this done by you know the subscription each week or each month ?
21 Cos otherwise you 're tied by you know
22 and they say film industry department , Wakefield somewhere got John 's name out of the blue , so that , do n't know anything else about it because he 's , he 's always been seen by you know , this , this other company , and he got three tax eighty seven , eighty eight , eighty eight , eighty nine , ninety , and one what , were the estimate was twenty five thousand pounds , and five thousand pounds
23 what somebody comes to that , tomorrow and knocks at that door and says look I 've been sent here by you say good bye , good night , good luck nothing has been said to me , I
24 But once Pietro started sounding off to the press they had to stand by you to avoid charges of bowing to pressure . ’
25 But they would be impressed by you winning the order of merit — especially in Ryder Cup year . ’
26 For me to be autonomous , it is not sufficient that you leave me alone ; rather the way I am treated by you has a bearing on my autonomy , and reciprocally for you .
27 She wo n't be as damaged by you dashing her dream as you could be by continuing with something that makes you ill .
28 These devices can be set by you to switch lights on and off for determined periods while you are away from home .
29 More abstract diagrams ranging from the simple to the complex , can be invented by you to show historical sequences , such as the development of an idea or movement ( e.g. liberalism ) or the general changes and continuities that may occur within that idea .
30 As the months drag by you find out who are true friends and who does n't really give a damn .
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