Example sentences of "at [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 When he rose from his knees , helping himself up by the rim of her altar , newly draped in celebration of her return , and expectation of her continued residence , he did not at once leave her .
2 From a swift glance at the back of a person 's head I can at once estimate the intelligence and sexuality of that person .
3 I 'll bet it is , Leith thought , but could n't understand at all why she should all at once feel something that felt mightily like jealousy , at the sudden mental picture of a stream of blondes passing through his flat .
4 When demand and supply are in stable equilibrium , if any accident should move the scale of production from its equilibrium position , there will be instantly brought into play forces tending to push it back to that position ; just as , if a stone hanging by a string is displaced from its equilibrium position , the force of gravity will at once tend to bring it back to its equilibrium position .
5 Parliament passed the bill and thereafter a creditor no longer had the power to detain a debtor already in prison at his pleasure , since the man could at once petition the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors for his discharge on the terms of his whole property , present and future , being given up for distribution among his creditors — and not only in London but to Commissioners who made circuits to hear such petitions in country districts .
6 He opts for a single fragment of European culture and , by way of compensation , he must at once reaffirm that ideal of personal and cultural wholeness which on various grounds he now sees immediately symbolized in Schopenhauer — and not least because Schopenhauer , for all his scorn of the contemporary world , unquestionably belongs to it .
7 He alone could at once restore the unity of England and Normandy , which was important for many great families .
8 Fearing that Morris had stopped to watch him yawning , he would at once return to his work , and try to conceal his yawns behind his hand .
9 If one really disfavours all lying , one will disfavour one 's own lying , and if this is combined with an attitude of favouring one 's own lying in certain cases , one will at once favour and disfavour certain possible lines of action on one 's own part .
10 It was typical of Winstanley that he should at once decide to be personally responsible for a lighthouse upon the Eddystone .
11 Even now , when her anger was plain , he could not at once adjust to the notion .
12 There was no kissing yet , though Boy did at once lay his head on O's shoulder .
13 On sighting a U-boat , they would at once break away in pursuit .
14 ( He pronounced it Nahtan , which Nora did not at once recognize . )
15 I think can at once give the assurance that your screenplays are unusually promising .
16 Yet now , ’ his look was amicable , ‘ you , Miss Kingsdale , with your haughty manner ’ her haughty manner ? ‘ wish me to at once revoke my plans and allow you to ask me endless work-orientated questions . ’
17 By going through the inspection again he would at once notice his mistake .
18 Unfurled into the air it will at once fill and rise .
19 Now he says that arresting drug barons is a waste of time , since their cousins , godsons or even more horrible rivals will at once fill the vacancy .
20 ‘ He further informed the prince that , should he find evidence of a continuing liaison between himself and yourself , he would consider it his duty to at once have recourse to the king his father . ’
21 Had the candidate understood these reasons he would at once have seen that the decision in Att. -Gen .
22 If Aschmann becomes unable to perform — as a result of your deliberately destructive influence — I would at once have to issue a statement making it plain that from now on I disassociate myself entirely from the Hochhauser Season . ’
23 Because He does not at once take wicked people out of the world , they seem to forget that He is angry with the wicked every day , and that He has said , ‘ Though hand join in hand , the wicked shall not be unpunished'' ’
24 Balor would at once know that they had outwitted Inchbad and Goibniu .
25 It suggests that when we have any doubts about our faith we should at once shelve our faith and doubt further .
26 They had to achieve a total military victory in order also to impose the total political victory which would at once provide ex post legitimation for the rising and enable them to ensure that there would be no return to pre-July 1936 conditions .
27 However , if the rattle slips down so far that it is no longer visible , the infant will at once lose interest and behave as if the rattle had also slipped out of existence .
28 She would at once understand the motive and , however coldly she dealt with me , she would understand the necessity .
29 If it is , I will at once remove myself .
30 He turned his head to stare at me as if he could n't at once comprehend my interest , but then , understanding , said of course I could go if I wanted to .
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