Example sentences of "at [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is however possible for one of their number to come back the next day and give the decision , the findings of fact and the reasons of the court , considered at rather more leisure than sometimes time will permit .
2 Perhaps it 's a matter that erm needs to be discussed at rather more length than that .
3 At 2pm that day , in the Vauxhall district of Birmingham , the scene was set for this drama .
4 At 8am each morning , the 80-odd contestants were expected to run a full marathon while it was still cool enough .
5 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
6 It stated that anyone who moved into a property valued at less that £10 a year could be sent back to the place where he or she was last legally settled if they were likely to become chargeable to the poor rates .
7 The problem is not susceptible of so simple a solution , however , since Mehmed Sah 's death is duly recorded under the events of the year 839 in the two early texts of Nesri ( 838 in the Ankara edition , p. 618 ) , at only some fifteen lines ' remove from the troublesome entry for 838 .
8 ( Palestinian sources had recently estimated their total numbers in Kuwait at only some 107,000 . )
9 These are the ones I am particularly anxious about at the moment , erm , now I 've put down four different headings on this particular way that I think we could help , erm , and hopefully , if there 's two hundred perhaps you 'd tell me whether there 's two hundred thousand is aimed at perhaps some of it , in , in this direction or not , I do n't know ?
10 All these advantages , in a Plan affording so much cover at so little cost , add up to an outstanding — and exclusive — insurance that should n't be missed !
11 The sleeping-car attendant sighed deeply at so much opulent femininity and philosophically returned to his roomette , and I went on up the train into the next car , where my own bed lay .
12 And having arrived at so much in the way of a comparison , she saw , suddenly revealed to her , how much there had been in those other rooms to admire .
13 Some messenger services or mail bike companies will do runs based on a supplied mailing list at so much per address and such a service might be used for rushing material to the offices of national daily newspapers Failing such a service an executive or senior secretary in a cab can do the job equally well .
14 Hurt by ‘ the ungenerous treatment which I met with from that very sex whose sufferings I was at so much pains to relieve ’ , he was glad to leave Aberdeen when recalled to active duty in the Royal Navy .
15 A blacksmith whose work involved much sharpening of jumpers ( drill irons ) , could be paid at the rate of , say , so much per 20 dozen — otherwise at so much per day .
16 In stoping a vein by tutwork , unless the agreement was on a tonnage basis , the price was usually calculated at so much per square fathom of advance for its full width .
17 Where the vein was of considerable thickness it was quite usual to pay the men at so much per cubic fathom .
18 Below ground but paid on a daily rate , that is to say , at so much per stem , the list of jobs below , were still regarded as tutwork .
19 at so much heavy drinking ,
20 Thus in Hartog v Colin and Shields [ 1939 ] 3 All ER 566 , it was held that the plaintiff could not sue on a contract for the sale of hare skins at so much per pound when he knew that the offeror really meant to sell at that price per piece .
21 My step brother , Tommy , do you know the original well Mr was a sales rep for Bokes couriers , and er his wife used to make pickles , homemade , and she us Mr used to give his friends a jar of pickles occasionally and er from that the idea of selling them , cos it ou after they 'd started distributing amongst his friends he got the idea that there was a market for it , so my step-brother Tommy er started to work with Mrs we used to call them Mrs but her name was , Street you know where Street is , well on the left hand side of Street about oh at the back of the first row of houses in Street , there was a , a small open space and Mr had a big shed put there , and er started buying the pickling onions and er all the women who wished to started skinning onions at so much a bag for Mr and er he 'd gradually built himself up but me step- brother Tommy was er working full time helping Mrs to pick the onions and , and that , that 's how Mac 's Pickles started was just from a mere fact of him being a commercial traveller and he 'd di distribute them to his friends and created the , a market for himself really ac actually they , they , they did have a van driver and a van , a van to deliver them as they gradually increased the supply and they used to deliver them all , all around the area .
22 Oblivious to us swanning by , they show no emotions , unlike me , all full of excitement at so many and so close .
23 Or worse , they have simply transposed plays and novels to the screen , producing work at so many removes from the original stimulus to creation that the prospect of the finished film having any appeal to a contemporary audience was almost non-existent .
24 Prince overflows and perforates the category of R&B at so many points , it 's barely relevant .
25 They recognised the staccato slicing of time , at so many frames per second , as an aggressive march of mechanisation .
26 The new station , consisting of the by then classic steel , concrete , and glass concourse with facilities around its outer flanks and with steps and ramps leading down to the platforms below , gave a new twist to the separation of passengers and baggage regarded as an ideal at so many American stations .
27 He knew he had failed at so many things , but never as a teacher , never as that .
28 ‘ Oh , and where would that be , Mr Ruddles ? ’ asked Tom , a little perturbed at so many dramatic entrances in one evening .
29 Perhaps the reason for the comic success of such characters is that they help us to recognise the prejudice which exists in all of us at so many different levels about so many different things .
30 Here , of course , as at so many other points in the blurred frontier zone between social anthropology , psychiatry and social psychology , the key question becomes : What is the threshold incidence which transforms individual into social phenomena ?
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