Example sentences of "at [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At two twenty two forty two sixty two eighty three hundred and twenty , three twenty on my right , any more at thee twenty , three fifty three eighty three eighty on my right , all done at three eighty and I shall sell at three hundred and eighty pounds .
2 The question arises : at whom then are the prayers aimed ?
3 At this stage , having read through a brief overview of generic computer hardware and boolean algebra as well as the author 's personal views on how various chemists approach computers and the differences between ‘ computational ’ and ‘ semantic ’ programs , I am left wondering at whom this book is aimed .
4 ‘ I 'm not having her next door peering at me all day . ’
5 All the pressures of people having a go at me all the time do n't help , ’ said Kylie .
6 They laughed at me all the time , I do n't know why ; I suppose they thought I was immature .
7 ‘ Oh , you can ‘ But , Daddy ’ at me all you like — it 's not going to bring you , or any of those amadans mocking the poor guard , back to life when they walk out under a ten-ton truck . ’
8 " I was always that frightened , " she says , " he screamed at me all the time and the kids .
9 He wanted the place immaculate but he 'd never tidy up , he just sat there in his chair from morning till night and got at me all the time about the housework .
10 He 's bitching at me all of the time , he 's complaining , and he 's apt to be yelling at me , too .
11 ‘ Taczek must have laughed up his sleeve at me all the time I was interviewing him .
12 You never looked at me all the day .
13 When she entered the room , she directed an unfriendly look at Harold — so far as I remember making no sound — and , seeing where I was sitting , directed a glance at me that , for anyone of lesser resolution , would undoubtedly have turned me into stone .
14 She went on , ‘ Did you see the way he looked at me that time ?
15 Pushing her at me that way .
16 ‘ Do n't look at me that way , ’ she said , ‘ as if I 'd suddenly become senile . ’
17 ‘ The arrangements are not yet concluded , you see , and — Why do you look at me that way , signorina ?
18 She looks at me incredulous that I can be so stupid .
19 And he looked at me gormless
20 ‘ I used ter sit at me front door when the weavver was good , an' when it was cold I used ter lay in bed till dinner-time .
21 Well look at me stupid
22 But today he has looked at me two or three times in a certain way . "
23 She looked at me unsmiling and I opened my mouth to protest that I was the last person in the world to take such a thing for granted , that I was the only person in the world who held a low opinion of sexual experience .
24 The policeman knows OK and tells me , but he looks at me funny all the time .
25 ‘ If I walked into a Catholic school they 'd all look at me funny and shout ‘ Proddy ! ’
26 That the other person in Jack 's life , Mrs Moore , was also profoundly lonely is made clear by a generous , and at me same time comically self-revealing , letter which she wrote to Warnie on 29 October .
27 ’ You know , ’ she said , ’ I can tell two things from the way everybody looks at me this morning .
28 They all stared at me wide-eyed and continued to stand and stare even after I had sat down at the table .
29 Her hand went to her mouth and she looked at me wide-eyed .
30 Now I had to work even harder , as people came to look at me ten times a day .
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