Example sentences of "at [art] other " in BNC.

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1 At this palace , as at the other , servility shows its face and performs its tricks .
2 At the other end of the scale , many rural or urban homes were adapted to serve as simple beerhouses , with little internal alteration .
3 At the other end of the tourist season , Britain has a log-jam of holiday weekends , particularly if Easter is late , when it is followed closely by May Day and not much later by the spring bank holiday .
4 ‘ I am afraid I took pains to look out at the other side so as not to see him , ’ she had said .
5 All eyes turned towards Margot Iverson at the other end of the dining table .
6 At the other end of the table he could hear Margot Iverson exchanging stately platitudes with Mr Locombe-Stableford .
7 Sarah 's house was at the other end of it and I could see a couple of cars parked outside what I was sure was their home .
8 Would you mind desperately if just this once I paid at the other end ? ’
9 I recall summer commenced on 1 May in Newcastle for our ‘ shirt sleeve order ’ ; meanwhile at the other end of the Northumbrian body , para. 32 of the order commands that ‘ trousers will be worn with the bottoms of the trouser legs , at the front , just touching the instep ’ .
10 ‘ Mr Cohen ? ’ we asked in response to the ‘ Hello ’ at the other end of the telephone .
11 ‘ Hello , who 's that ? ’ said Alan 's voice at the other end of the line .
12 Then I spotted something small , black and misshapen at the other end of the kitchen .
13 The heads form a cap which covers the shoulder joint , and they are attached at one end to the upper arm and at the other end to 3 points to the front , top and back of the shoulder .
14 At the other end of the scale are the alongee gouges ; large heavy gouges , for removing large amounts of wood on big items such as sculptures .
15 At the other end of the scale , Plymouth Laira gained a small fleet of Class 37s which rarely ventured away from the West Country china clay empire , although a new trainload working was introduced in 1989 which would take them twice a week up to Irvine in South West Scotland .
16 Here only the place-names refer to france ; the junipers , the spruce and fir , and the falling snow are taken over by Pound from a landscape at the other side of the world .
17 At the other end , Bryan Gould ( A Future for Socialism ) held his audience spellbound as he charted Labour 's recovery from assumptions of unchallenged ‘ rightness ’ , once taken for granted and shattered by Thatcherism .
18 Mrs Postance 's opposite number at the Haywards primary school at the other end of town , Mike Palmer , talks of ‘ tooling up ’ for the undertaking : ‘ I 've had to use a large slice of my in-service training budget to release staff during the school day for quite substantial periods to match up their plans for the following year .
19 A British filly at the other end of her career earlier captured another prize for the visitors .
20 Andy Currier was eventually able to provide consolation at the other end , but departed for the sin-bin 30 seconds later after a foul on Bob Jackson , accompanied by Paul Hulme , who questioned the referee 's decision too vehemently .
21 McMahon strove to retaliate but was denied by an advance by Jaroslaw Bako of which the maestro at the other end would have been proud .
22 Paul Newlove , a Featherstone player who did gain a place in this week 's Test squad , scored the first try at the other end , following Barry Drummond 's kick .
23 Of course some policemen and women , at the other extreme , welcomed the research as an opportunity to talk about issues which are so often taken for granted among colleagues and family that they are not topics of conversation .
24 There 's a lot of shelling and mortaring going on at the other end of the village . ’
25 Taff was with the 3″ mortar team as they continued to send over the occasional mortar bomb , their target a crossroads at the other end of the village .
26 An enemy flare was lighting up the sky at the other end of the village , probably over No. 6 Commando positions .
27 Up until now the naval salvoes are landing in the German positions somewhere in front of No. 6 Commando , at the other end of the village .
28 They were dug in at the other end of the village in an orchard very close to the enemy positions .
29 There were two mortar explosions over by the road , then all was fairly quiet except for the sound of firing away in the distance at the other end of the village , where I had been earlier on in the evening .
30 There is a counter attack going on , and the target is the next village just along the road there , ’ indicating with his forefinger in the direction of No. 6 Commando positions in and around the Saulnier farm at the other end of the village .
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