Example sentences of "at [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They 're going in at fifty pounds the lot , at fifty pounds .
2 They 're going in at fifty pounds the lot , at fifty pounds .
3 Quiet country parsons , who had applied for twenty shares in the hope of being allotted one , now had to buy all twenty , at fifty pounds apiece , or go to debtor 's jail — all for a railway that the judge , barrister , company , and jailer knew would never exist .
4 At fifty pounds fifty bid , sixty seventy , seventy pounds any more at seventy ?
5 I 'll sell at fifty pounds all done , fifty five standing standing at fifty five , sixty sixty there now , sixty five seventy seventy pounds on the right , any more ?
6 At fifty pounds fifty fifty pounds at fifty pounds fifty pounds .
7 At fifty pounds fifty fifty pounds at fifty pounds fifty pounds .
8 and Lot fourteen is the cabinet now showing , thank you , Lot fourteen , fifty for it fifty pounds anywhere at fifty at fifty pounds fifty at fifty pounds fifty pounds , anywhere at fifty unwanted then at fifty pounds fifty pounds .
9 and Lot fourteen is the cabinet now showing , thank you , Lot fourteen , fifty for it fifty pounds anywhere at fifty at fifty pounds fifty at fifty pounds fifty pounds , anywhere at fifty unwanted then at fifty pounds fifty pounds .
10 and Lot fourteen is the cabinet now showing , thank you , Lot fourteen , fifty for it fifty pounds anywhere at fifty at fifty pounds fifty at fifty pounds fifty pounds , anywhere at fifty unwanted then at fifty pounds fifty pounds .
11 Forty forty five fifty on the fifty pounds , any more at fifty and I 'll sell at fifty pounds .
12 Are you all done then at fifty pounds and I shall sell at fifty pounds .
13 Are you all done then at fifty pounds and I shall sell at fifty pounds .
14 At fifty for it 's offered fifty pounds at fifty pounds bid five , sixty sixty pounds , any more ?
15 At fifty pounds , anywhere at fifty ?
16 At fifty pounds , fifty fifty pounds anywhere fifty fifty pounds fifty pounds .
17 At fifty pounds anywhere at fifty ?
18 At fifty pounds , twenty , twenty pounds twenty pounds twenty pounds , no one want it for twenty pounds is bid , thank you , on my right , any advance on twenty ?
19 And we commence this morning with Lot number one Lot number one is showing to my right here , the ivory carving at fifty pounds at fifty pounds at fifty pounds you want it for fifty pounds , thank you sir , fifty I 've got now , fifty pounds is offered at fifty five at fifty five , sixty , sixty five seventy , seventy five eighty five ninety ninety pounds in the back row at ninety and selling for ninety pounds , any further bids at ninety pounds at ninety pounds .
20 And we commence this morning with Lot number one Lot number one is showing to my right here , the ivory carving at fifty pounds at fifty pounds at fifty pounds you want it for fifty pounds , thank you sir , fifty I 've got now , fifty pounds is offered at fifty five at fifty five , sixty , sixty five seventy , seventy five eighty five ninety ninety pounds in the back row at ninety and selling for ninety pounds , any further bids at ninety pounds at ninety pounds .
21 And we commence this morning with Lot number one Lot number one is showing to my right here , the ivory carving at fifty pounds at fifty pounds at fifty pounds you want it for fifty pounds , thank you sir , fifty I 've got now , fifty pounds is offered at fifty five at fifty five , sixty , sixty five seventy , seventy five eighty five ninety ninety pounds in the back row at ninety and selling for ninety pounds , any further bids at ninety pounds at ninety pounds .
22 Lot number five the circular mirror this the mirror fifty pounds for this one at fifty pounds , at fifty five , at fifty five pounds at fifty five pounds all done ?
23 Lot number twenty twenty is a quantity of stands there we are , we 've got a sample showing for you just a sample showing fifty for the lot the whole lot there for fifty pounds at fifty pounds want them for fifty pounds thank you sir , fifty pounds I 've got , at fifty five going on fifty five , sixty pounds , sixty five coming in sir ?
24 Lot number twenty three Lot twenty three is the er lacquered circular cover there we are , that 's showing fifty for this one , at fifty pounds , at fifty pounds , at fifty five fifty five pounds any more ?
25 Lot number twenty three Lot twenty three is the er lacquered circular cover there we are , that 's showing fifty for this one , at fifty pounds , at fifty pounds , at fifty five fifty five pounds any more ?
26 Thank you , Lot number fifty seven Lot fifty seven I 'm offering , that 's the five er Persian sections , there we are , they 've got those showing or one of them Lot number fifty seven , fifty pounds for this , at fifty pounds at fifty pounds , fifty five , sixty , sixty five , seventy seventy five , eighty eighty five , ninety ninety five , a hundred and ten twenty one thirty a hundred and thirty against you near me now one thirty , anybody else want , forty in front one fifty going on sir ?
27 Thank you , Lot number fifty seven Lot fifty seven I 'm offering , that 's the five er Persian sections , there we are , they 've got those showing or one of them Lot number fifty seven , fifty pounds for this , at fifty pounds at fifty pounds , fifty five , sixty , sixty five , seventy seventy five , eighty eighty five , ninety ninety five , a hundred and ten twenty one thirty a hundred and thirty against you near me now one thirty , anybody else want , forty in front one fifty going on sir ?
28 Lot number sixty four Lot number sixty four there 's another one showing for you , fifty for this one , at fifty pounds thank you , fifty is offered at the back at fifty pounds I 've got I can and will sell for fifty pounds only , any further bids at fifty five sixty going on sir ?
29 Lot number sixty four Lot number sixty four there 's another one showing for you , fifty for this one , at fifty pounds thank you , fifty is offered at the back at fifty pounds I 've got I can and will sell for fifty pounds only , any further bids at fifty five sixty going on sir ?
30 I 've got fifty pounds bid and I shall sell at fifty if there 's no further bids at fifty pounds only at fifty pounds , you all done at fifty ?
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