Example sentences of "he had been " in BNC.

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31 He composed much liturgical music but he admitted that , in writing his Gymnopédies and Gnossiennes for the entertainment of his friends , he had been vaguely inspired by the friezes on antique Greek vases .
32 ‘ Partridge , who acts as guide , as boots , postilion , and boatman , at the Salutation Inn , might have brought us down an easier descent ; but as he had been out with a chaise all night , he was perhaps induced , from fatigue , to take us the nearest way .
33 But in 1877 , the last text overseen by the novelist , ‘ as if spoken to himself ’ becomes ‘ as if meant for himself ’ , shifting and refining nuance while involving the change of a single word in Russian , and enabling the artist to get at last the effect he had been working towards .
34 He has got off lightly : we learn with mildly comic surprise of mitigating circumstances : he had been good to a consumptive fellow student , and he had saved two children from a blazing house , getting burnt himself while doing so .
35 The commentaries would not be designed for the general reader but for the specialist , who , looking up Zapp , would find that the book , article or thesis he had been planning had already been anticipated and , more likely than not , invalidated .
36 A year or so later I chanced to meet him and he acknowledged that this was just criticism , but that he had been obliged to insert these names so that his book would look like a truly up-to-date , intouch work of scholarship .
37 And in the 1930s he had been unforgiving towards these friends of his youth .
38 He lived in 1935 ( when I last saw him ) in the utmost simplicity , although if he had been a little more conciliatory he could always have earned enough for his comfort — and his wife 's ; but he never valued anything that money could buy as he valued the integrity of his sharp-shooting mind .
39 However , Pound 's diagnosis of Williams 's condition was surely perceptive : Williams could abide American reality ( where Pound and Eliot had to flee from it ) because , as in the admirable ‘ To Elsie ’ ( ’ The pure products of America / go crazy' ) , he remained the immigrant , the outsider looking in on the behaviour of the nation that he had been , by the sheerest accident , born to .
40 The writer was Ford Madox Ford , who was among the most loyal as he had been among the first of Pound 's friends ; in the twenties he was as penurious and as out of fashion as Pound .
41 Conveyancing documents should include a certificate by the purchaser saying either that he had been fully advised by a wholly independent practitioner or that he had declined such advice — and the certificate should contain a prominent ‘ health warning ’ against declining to take it .
42 But being in Durban , far from the turmoil over the book 's publication , he had been able to read it and ponder .
43 Willie Carson will also resting easy after suggestions that he had been wrong to bring about the withdrawal of the red-hot favourite , Superoo , before the start of Ascot 's opening event on Saturday , having done a similar thing with the favourite , Red Paddy , before the Royal Hunt Cup .
44 Newman died in 1890 after a career in which he had been successively the most influential thinker in the Church of England , and then in English Roman Catholicism .
45 Terry McLaughlin , its deputy editor , said he had been shown sensitive and detailed files by a representative of the ‘ Inner Circle ’ .
46 Terry McLaughlin , its deputy editor , said he had been shown sensitive and detailed files , including ‘ top secret ’ material , by a representative of the ‘ Inner Circle ’ .
47 Since then he had been re-elected six times .
48 For Mr Poher this long-drawn out struggle was something new — on the seven previous occasions he had been elected on the first ballot .
49 As Elijah Moshinsky looked out from the roof-top coffee shop of the plush hotel overlooking Plymouth Hoe — in which he is ensconced during rehearsals of Shadowlands — he confessed that this was the first time he had been to Plymouth in his life .
50 He had been runner-up on several occasions during his 20 years with Smith , but it was Sheelagh Boon 's six-year-old Smart Move who gave him his first win when taking the Senior Newcomers Championship .
51 The mere fact he had been invited to the eight-man special event represented progress .
52 Cherney said ( in the only programme-note ) that he had been inspired by Golani 's bearing as well as her playing , and although the density of events was not high , the sense of concentration and unity between music and performer was total as the wilder elements were gradually exorcised and a numb calm remained .
53 It was during this time that as a senior staff officer of V Corps he had been involved with some of the orders to repatriate the Russian and Yugoslav prisoners .
54 It further alleged that he had been a ‘ fifth columnist ’ working for the Army in west Belfast in the 1970s , and had been given immunity by the RUC to carry a gun and carry out robberies .
55 Mr Browning , who believes the bronzes were smuggled out of the country and later bought by the galleries , said that he felt he had been ‘ led up the garden path ’ .
56 Mr Robson had told his wife he had been scratched by a woman during a pub fight .
57 He said he had been paid for the picture , but admitted that ‘ in order to entice bidders ’ he had agreed with Sotheby 's that payment would be spread over three instalments .
58 General Noriega went on television to say he had been aware of the rebels ' plans for about three weeks .
59 Werner Kratschull , a pastor and dissident , said he had been told that East Berlin would crack down on the opposition ‘ in the Chinese manner ’ if there was trouble .
60 His case was that he had been using the public lavatory for proper purposes when the the police burst into his cubicle and arrested him , and that he had had no contact of any kind with the co-defendant .
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