Example sentences of "he set [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However in applications where the load is likely to fluctuate the timings must he set for the worst conditions ( i.e. largest load ) and the control scheme is then non-optimal for all other loads .
2 He sets to work at once , restoring the chapel at his place in Lincolnshire , then moves rapidly on from his main house in Bedfordshire ( already improved ) to a third estate in Kent which needs attention .
3 He 's an obedient kind of fellow , and after being kicked out of the castle by his master he sets about his task with a determination unusual for someone with such a cowardly disposition .
4 With the able support of a toff QC friend , Crispin , he sets about organising a petition .
5 Here he talks about he sets about creating these site-specific works
6 First , most clients tell the solicitor what they want and he sets about getting it for them .
7 So he sets about sorting it out .
8 He supports these contentions with the words of parents of children with trisomy 21 whose reactions to , and following , the birth of their children belie the simplified professional stereotypes which he sets beside them .
9 All proposals had to go through a protective sieve , an inner filtration to correspond to the standard he sets for his work .
10 All proposals had to go through a protective sieve , an inner filtration to correspond to the standard he sets for his work .
11 Love , the second round leader , could not maintain the pace he set over the first two rounds and had to settle for a third round 71 .
12 Bentham also gave consideration to the notion of an optimum size for establishments which , in the case of the Panopticon , he set at 2000 " hands " ( Hume , 1981 p 142 ) .
13 Catherine took the chair he set for her , and extracted her notebook from her bag .
14 And the traps he set for the villains would have killed them .
15 Hoover was certainly , Summers shows , spectacularly indifferent to those straight arrow standards he set for his agents .
16 And at last , and most imprudently , he married an ambitious tyrant who drove him up the career ladder , and when things began to get too much he set to work on a toy church with pastor , pulpit , congregation , organ and so forth .
17 Out of nine poems he set to music , Cale eventually chose four , ‘ that seemed to hang together , especially ‘ Lie Still , Sleep Becalmed ’ .
18 He set to work steadily on replacing the panes of the side windows .
19 Sampson , however , insisted that Lewis should put his name to anything which was written , and in the course of 1939 he set to work .
20 Thumbing the bullets out on to a sheet of old newspaper , he set to work with his knife .
21 As soon as he got there he set to work .
22 Then he set to work laying siege to her with letters .
23 During his stay , he set to work himself on the principle divide et impera .
24 He set to with a will and soon the doors were reduced to kindling .
25 He set to work straight away to make a stronger plastic .
26 He set to again , putting the facts as plainly as he could , though doubted that these words would save Estabrook 's life .
27 He set to work on apartments eight and nine at Kensington Palace and Highgrove .
28 Having recovered only the partial use of one hand , he set to work and wrote Beneath the Visiting Moon .
29 But it was not until August 1942 , after a year 's delay , that he set to work on the poem again .
30 And so he set to work : despite the usual interruptions , by the end of the year he managed to complete drafts of two acts which he dispatched to Martin Browne .
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