Example sentences of "he could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 How he thought he could love Mama so much and dislike her friends and relations on the grounds that they were Italian , I do n't know .
2 He was grieving for his own pain and sense of loss at not having a father whom he could love .
3 Riven realised with no surprise that he could love this world and its people , despite the heartbreak it had wrought on him .
4 He wanted a home , someone he could love , someone he could relax with .
5 She wished he could love her !
6 The world could be lost and she would think it well lost if only he could love her .
7 He just got dormitory accommodation and as much food as he could eat .
8 He was untwisting the top of the bag so that he could eat some more .
9 Wayne , Ricky 's favourite pony , had such a low threshold of boredom that he had a special manger hooked over the half-door so he could eat and miss nothing in the yard at the same time .
10 A MAGISTRATE gave his packed lunch to a hungry down-and-out yesterday after the man begged to be jailed so that he could eat .
11 Daniel had explained to her that he liked very simple food that he could eat with one hand , because of his inability to eat without reading , and so , for supper his first night , she had brought him scrambled egg on a piece of toast that she had already cut up into precise and helpful squares .
12 Stewart told us that Whaddon 's offer of a free bus pass and as many pizza slices as he could eat if he signed for the club was ‘ frankly , insulting ’ .
13 Maybe he could eat the pages .
14 ‘ He looks at you as though he could eat you ! ’
15 When Squire Osbaldeston won the bet at Newmarket he proclaimed ’ He was so hungry he could eat an old woman ! ’
16 Under hypnosis , he could suggest , for instance , that this person was going to kill my wife and children and that , as a good Christian , I could not possibly allow that to happen .
17 She asked if he could suggest how she could contact an MP .
18 Perhaps , when she had recovered from this encounter , he could suggest that they become engaged , albeit in an unacknowledged fashion as he could not afford a ring worthy of her .
19 Frank Daugherty saw Cagney 's style as just a logical development from that of other gangster types and identified as the most effective of his ‘ tricks ’ the way in which he could suggest that he was ‘ thinking his own thoughts ’ and ‘ reserving his feelings ’ .
20 ‘ I 'll ask George the roadsweeper , ’ was all he could suggest .
21 It was unbelievable that he could suggest such a thing — and she wondered if it was a test of some sort .
22 2 years ago Teddy Sutton did n't know he could carve ; now his work is on display at up to £300 a time .
23 Joyce called together such members as he could gather of the National Socialist League and its intellectual offshoot the Carlyle Club .
24 But he decided against it : the mood was not upon him — nor upon anyone else in the coach , as far as he could gather .
25 She was holding on for dear life , leaning into him , lifting on tiptoe so that he could gather her close , hold her tightly in his arms , while his tongue slipped into her mouth , while his hand swept up her ribs and lightly cupped her breast …
26 He could eject this by jerking his head upwards , and then catch it again in the socket .
27 Assemblies were the pivot : so long as the king could secure attendance , he could refill his coffers , exercise patronage , and maintain consensus at the same time .
28 He would have to heave her blood-stained body away from the door and then scramble over it before he could race out and lose himself in the hills .
29 He gazed at an ineffable , agonizing radiance which only he could perceive , banishing whatever throwback emotions the brew had triggered .
30 Biff thought he could perceive the pattern well enough .
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