Example sentences of "he know [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Did he know exactly the kind of dilemma she found herself in ?
2 What the hell does he know anyway ?
3 Did he know just how deeply his father was opposed to things ?
4 When you see Neil tomorrow ask him does , does he know anywhere we can buy some of them tapes second hand .
5 How could he write such things ? she wondered dumbly ; how could he know so much about sex , so much about sin ?
6 Little did he know then , but he had thrown away probably the last good chance that Germany had of winning the war .
7 Does he know better than doctors , nurses and the other health service staff whose life work has been delivering the service ?
8 So did he know all along , then , that you are — were , — ’ she corrected swiftly , ‘ Mark 's sister ?
9 As an indirect result of this association 's stormy history , Marx came across socialist revolutionaries from parts of the world about which he know relatively little .
10 He had thought it would be easy to approach her , but now , watching her remotely like this , he knew otherwise .
11 Now , he knew otherwise .
12 Candy , who had a long history of violence , reported that , while he was in Reading on 22 June , an Italian named Mike , whom he knew slightly , approached him and suggested that they rob a shopkeeper in the town .
13 Once Clive was in the hypnotic state on this occasion , I asked him to visualize going up to someone he knew slightly , taking a few deep breaths and then asking them a simple question — ‘ Could you please tell me the time ? ’ or ‘ Do you know the way to such-and-such a street ? ’
14 Ramsay found himself attacking Sir John Moubray , whom he knew slightly .
15 He knew beforehand that on April 8 the Royal Navy were to mine the fjords off Narvik , in neutral Norway 's territorial waters , and he was one of the first to learn of Germany 's devastating response , a full-scale invasion the next day .
16 Now he knew beforehand because we told him when he came , first came here that we also use Mission Praise , and you do .
17 He knew anyway what John was doing , which was setting the fuse .
18 We may now understand better , too , why my father was so fond of the story of the butler who failed to panic on discovering a tiger under the dining table ; it was because he knew instinctively that somewhere in this story lay the kernel of what true ‘ dignity ’ is .
19 After studying the small lake he knew instinctively that if there was a fish it was in this pool .
20 As he turned and looked into her eyes he knew instinctively there was no need to worry on that score .
21 He could see that Lee was attracted to Meryl , and this amused him , because he knew instinctively that he only had to turn on his own powerful charm and the result would be a foregone conclusion .
22 He knew instinctively that tears would not be in order , might even prove treacherous .
23 He knew instinctively that this was no casual conversation and that for Cora-Beth 's sake he must be honest .
24 He knew instinctively that the success of what he said now would depend on how he said it .
25 He knew exactly where to look for the nest of any bird we were likely to come across and by certain local circumstances was unerringly guided to a nest hidden deep perhaps in a thorn bush … .
26 People said he was a fool , but I think he knew exactly what he was doing .
27 He fortunately knew exactly what was wanted and would talk to John for hours on end , about the making of music , history , composers etc. , to such good effect that , when John wanted to put music to ballet , he knew exactly what he wanted .
28 From sketching the outfits she made to inventing designs of his own was but a short step and by the time he left High School he knew exactly what he wanted to do .
29 He knew exactly what the chap wanted — and whom .
30 He knew exactly where he wished to slot his explosive , and how long a fuse he needed to give it .
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