Example sentences of "by [Wh det] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Convention provides simple and certain means by which to serve process on a foreign national .
2 The first has been fighting a ( largely losing ) battle against social condemnation of " stealing other people 's homes " ; the second has been the mechanism by which to carry out government 's policies to protect some short-term occupiers ( tenants , with exclusive possession ) but not others ( licensees ) .
3 The old system — by which banks only reported accounts which received more than £500 per annum interest — was scrapped in return for the abolition of composite rate tax , enabling gross interest payments for savers on low incomes .
4 Without engaging in speculation , it can be said that relationships of this type might have acted as a channel for ideas and opinions and represented a means by which influence could be exerted .
5 However , the pattern of merger/approximation that this suggests is complicated by the existence of the raising rule by which /a/ is raised before velars .
6 Those who imagine that they see the spectre of euthanasia raising its head look with particular misgiving at the doctor 's decision to discontinue ventilation.4 Those lawyers who have given the issue their attention have accepted the common factual assumption that turning off a ventilator is significant , and have then sought legal arguments by which to justify it.5 For they have had to recognize both that it is a common medical practice , and that it is one which prima facie calls for some justification .
7 Therefore , unemployment and opioid use amongst the young were chosen as the two factors by which to rank Wirral 's 48 townships .
8 The purpose of Scripture is to act as a ‘ yardstick ’ and ‘ tether ’ by which to assess any claim to contemporary revelation , and to regulate its interpretation .
9 Nonetheless , hostility to socialist realism runs deep and it would seem appropriate and productive at this stage to examine briefly the more critical views of the practice of Stalinist socialist realism articulated quite dramatically by Georg Lukacs himself , in order to draw up another set of criteria by which to assess Nizan 's communist novels .
10 If ROI is a relatively unimportant part of this reward system , it may then be used as a very useful diagnostic tool by which to assess operating performance .
11 Simple profitability is not the right yardstick by which to assess performance .
12 Throughout our period , however , we see that Whigs were prepared to hold up an independent standard by which to assess the legitimacy of authority , that of fundamental law or natural law , and they were willing to challenge the legitimacy of established authority ( whether royal or Parliamentary ) if power was exercised in violation of people 's natural rights .
13 Others have sought to generate criteria by which to assess the distinctive features of a political culture .
14 Parliament also sought to eliminate the so-called ‘ democratic deficit ’ , by which powers previously exercised by national governments who were supervised by national Parliaments , passed to the unelected Council of Ministers , bypassing any Parliamentary scrutiny , whether by the European or by national Parliaments .
15 ( So firm is the grip held by the revived quantity theory of money nowadays that few of the monetarists or new classical macroeconomists who followed in Friedman 's footsteps bothered to elucidate the mechanism by which changes in M s ( or in ) affect W and P. They just do . )
16 ( CCC ) programme , by which export credits were granted , had continued in 1989 to supply credits to Iraq in spite of mounting evidence of their misuse [ see p. 38886 ] .
17 However , in his Budget speech , the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced that with effect from 6 April , 1994 , the tax relief allowed on the MCA will be restricted to the lower rate of 20 per cent — meaning that the maximum by which tax bills can be reduced will be £344 — irrespective of the taxpayer 's marginal rate of income tax .
18 Many harp recordings come close to ‘ wallpaper ’ music by which to dream ; if you can doze off before this one ends you should consult your doctor .
19 So there were a large number of new drugs , all purporting to quieten disturbed patients , and very little means by which to evaluate them property .
20 What he is interested in above all is analyzing the process of reading , and formulating criteria by which to evaluate the experience that reading produces .
21 Although induced polymorphic VT/VF is often regarded as a non-specific response in patients with syncope or recent myocardial infarction , there is some evidence that , in cardiac arrest survivors , polymorphic VT/VF may be a valid endpoint by which to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic interventions .
22 A basic interest in questions about the meaning and purpose of life ( a ) to challenge secularist assumptions and to appreciate that religious truth-claims can not be easily dismissed ; ( b ) to understand what is distinctive about religion , that is , what it essentially concerns , and be able to distinguish between that and features of it which can vary and perhaps be dispensed with altogether ; ( c ) to realize in particular in how many different ways religion can masquerade as something else , and fail to be what it claims to be ; ( d ) to appreciate the highly controversial nature of religion and of almost everything that is said about it by anyone , whether religious or not ; ( e ) to have a firm grasp of criteria by which to evaluate precise examples and manifestations of religion in practice ; ( f ) to appreciate the force of the question-mark with regard to the ultimate divide between religion and non-religion , and to appreciate the reality of the dilemma , and the ways in which religion needs to be questioned for its failures , negative attitudes , hypocrisy and externalism .
23 The lawn climbs a slope several yards in front of the summerhouse , and in those days , as today , four flagstones embedded into the grass served as steps by which to negotiate this climb .
24 The curve measures the amount by which falls as the population of the locality increases .
25 Our study does not identify the mechanism by which NSAID treatment leads to enhanced synthesis of LTB 4 .
26 So as I sipped the barely brown dishwater he passed off as coffee ( at a wholly extortionate price ) I was able to thaw my limbs , re-line my stomach , rest my hand and ponder at length the best or most honest method by which to tackle the remainder of this difficult and embarrassing work of explanation .
27 When Elizabeth I visited Rochester in 1573 she was entertained by Watts , and when he expressed regret that he had not better accommodation to offer her she replied , ‘ Satis ’ ( Lat. ‘ enough , satisfactory ’ ) , by which name the house was ever afterwards known .
28 The Anglo-Dutch fleet pursued the beaten French as they withdrew and the Battle of Barfleur now merged with the Battle of La Hogue [ or La Hougue ] by which name both are sometimes known .
29 It is my social catalyst , a lump of oil by which to lubricate the scenario that is my home , clamorous , everchanging , unhumble .
30 General bewilderment had set in by this year 's quarter-final stage , by which point most of the big names — Toulouse , Racing , Agen , Narbonne and Béziers — had fallen by the wayside .
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