Example sentences of "by [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The unemployment of the mid-1880s contributed to the difficulty of sustaining the policy — workhouses were not large enough to hold all of the unemployed in the hardest hit district and out-door relief had to be given by many Guardians , though normally only in return for a daily ‘ test ’ such as stone-breaking in the workhouse yard — the task most favoured by Guardians for the male unemployed .
2 This can be provided by the magic power or words , such as inscribing prohibitions into the nation 's constitution , and by manifestations of the divine in terms of either retribution for failing to uphold the truth , or grace for upholding the truth , with rewards ‘ such as oil finds and victories in the World Championships ’ .
3 With the onset of Big Bang , deregulation , and the formation of financial conglomerates , the problems posed by conflicts of interest have become accentuated : there is now an increased opportunity for information located within one ‘ arm ’ of a conglomerate to be misused either for the direct benefit of the conglomerate or for favoured customers .
4 As a body it naturally reflected the dominant interests in society , though it was prone to being strongly buffeted by conflicts of interest in matters of land , property and amenity .
5 The years between 1975 and 1988 were marked by conflicts between Parliament and the Council .
6 In Britain , the role of fragmented political authority in muddying the formation of objectives is illustrated by conflicts within the present Conservative government over BR 's electrification plans , with close advisers of the Prime Minister , and according to some accounts the Treasury , undermining the efforts of the Department of Transport to secure cabinet approval .
7 A report commissioned by the UK government on acid rain and nitrogen oxides has concluded that many ecologically sensitive parts of Britain , particularly the wet , upland areas , are in danger of being damaged by emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere .
8 Washington continues to challenge the scientific claim that global warming is in part caused by emissions of carbon dioxide .
9 The study confirmed that acid rain was caused mainly by emissions from coal-fired power stations and stated that the huge reserves of sulphur built up in the soil meant that many Scottish and Scandinavian lakes would suffer the effects of acid rain for decades even if sulphur dioxide emissions were cut radically .
10 The governments of the Czech Republic , Germany and Poland have signed an agreement to clean up the " Black Triangle " , the border region of the three countries , which is heavily polluted by emissions from power stations and industrial plants .
11 This coincided with publication of an altogether different motion ( about closure of the BAT works in Liverpool ) signed by loads of Labour MPs , including the member for Warrington North .
12 Those transactions were two-fold , namely , the acquisition of the exclusive rights of granting sub-licences together with the relevant films and the grant of those sub-licences together with provision of the film by contracts with individual customers .
13 Seventeen works belong permanently to the museum by artists including Stella , Jasper Johns , Rauschenberg and Vostell .
14 The inaugural exhibition at the new gallery the third he has organised with Galerie de Bayser comprises ten paintings and thirty-five drawings by artists including François-André Vincent , Louis Durameau , Antoine Vaudoyer , Jean-Baptiste Isabey , Jean-Antoine Gros , Eugène Fromentin and Théodule Ribot .
15 The company 's promotion team supplies records and promotional videos to all major radio and television stations , as well as arranging appearances by artists on particular programmes .
16 With a limited budget it has been difficult to acquire top quality works by artists on the museum 's list , however they have been fortunate in being able to purchase Robert Loder 's ( Honorary Curator of Prints , Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge ) collection of 363 prints , while other works were acquired from Marlborough Fine Art .
17 In New York , gifts of pictures by artists to critics may follow a favourable review , though a critic is likely to refuse payment , even for a catalogue introduction , from a dealer .
18 At the same time it should make us aware of the enormity of the task that still lies before us in developing an adequate analysis of the art made by artists for whom ‘ being a woman ’ was not a given , but something to be explored through a historically shaped and socially conditioned artistic .
19 This conservatism , however , often leads to conscious revolt , by artists with different purposes , who then either confuse or even omit the known signals .
20 In the present century emphasis on formal qualities in the visual arts have made musical comparisons more frequent , emphasised by the use by artists of musical terminology , as when Kandinsky chose to call his works Improvisations and Compositions .
21 Karsten Schubert shows an interesting collection — with mega-interesting prices — of rare catalogues and books by artists of the last 20 years
22 The colouring of the prints throws up some great names , for it was an apprenticeship training undergone by artists of the calibre of Girtin and Turner .
23 To see the five early seventeenth-century working miniature firearms from the workshop of Michel Mann of Augsburg and Nuremberg , a rare mechanical calculator made by Johann Schuster in 1822 , a German Royal hunting knife made in Berlin in 1699 by Jaques Munier , and a pair of mid-eighteenth-century four-light candelabra ( attributed to Christian Heinrich Ingermann ) made for Augustus III , Elector of Saxony alongside what are traditionally regarded as archetypal ‘ German ’ and ‘ Austrian ’ works , such as paintings , watercolours and prints by the German Expressionists , does indeed focus the mind on the manifold contributions to the history of art made by artists of the German speaking countries .
24 A section of the show is devoted to portrait drawings by artists of members of their family or friends and includes drawings by Annibale Carracci of his father , G.B. Tiepolo of his son , Gustave Schinkel of his daughter and Lucian Freud of his daughter .
25 In his thirty-two years as a gallerist in Cologne , Reinz has conducted a specialised programme consisting of work by Nay , Fautrier and Poliakoff , and by artists of the German Informel School of the 1950s and 60s : Hoehme , Gutz , Bruning , Schumacher , Dahmen and Sonderborg .
26 ‘ More Than One Photography ’ ( on at the museum until 9 August ) is the result of his efforts and it consists of about sixty works by artists of all disciplines ( including ‘ pure ’ photographers who present their work non-traditionally ) .
27 He became a collector with a truly worldwide reputation , the owner of a unique gallery of works by artists of the Russian Avant-garde .
28 It is approximately 1:1.618 and has been recognized by artists throughout history as being uniquely harmonious .
29 It is a struggle to paint grasses in a true watercolour technique and the purist may well react against the use of white and acrylic here , but I have found a release from the restrictions of technique through this method and comfort myself with the knowledge that white has been in common use by artists throughout the history of watercolour painting .
30 People are being made aware of their culture by artists like Public Enemy .
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