Example sentences of "by [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Likewise , if you wished to make a single gift to ACET of less than £600 then — assuming that you are a taxpayer — you can enable ACET to get the benefit of tax relief by the same Deposited Covenant arrangement .
2 By the same token , he wrote , in the imagination there can not be movement .
3 As regards restoration , just as we would not dream of stripping out the original interior of the Blackfriar , by the same token we would not seek to preserve a Thirties estate pub which had long since ceased to address the needs of the community it was built to serve .
4 Ideas of identity and insider integrity in the late 1980s are sustained by the same symbols of status and denigration which have existed since at least the mid-1950s .
5 Usually , however , the social move is merely in the form of a transfer within well-developed sections of police society where the new experience is structured by the same ideology and beliefs which have gone before .
6 They intend to carry out Lise and Colas by the same means .
7 I willingly accept that an inventor can not scrutinise every patent application ; by the same token a manufacturer can not contact all potentially interested parties . ’
8 But if every work of art is simply the expression of the artist 's intuition , it is evident that an absolute or complete pattern would be useless , since the intuitions of two different minds could never be expressed by the same form : nor can anything in art be said to have been ‘ done once for all ’ , since if it were ‘ done again ’ by another hand — used , that is , to express the intuition of another spirit — it would be no longer what had been done before .
9 By the same token , we have to keep a watch on dates so as to see that this Eleanor is not Eleanor of Aquitaine , but her great-greatgranddaughter , Eleanor of Castile , wife of Edward I of England .
10 By the same token , Marrakech is not a new comedy ; it is a failed feasibility study for one .
11 They agree that a regular comparison of notes with primary schools ( which they have always enjoyed , if at lower intensity than presently ) improves all their pupils ' chances of entering secondary school by the same starting gate .
12 The Bank of France pushed up its intervention rate by 0.75 per cent to 9.5 per cent and its five-to 10-day repurchase rate rose by the same amount to 10.25 per cent .
13 Oldham , policed by the same force , are also at home on that night , against Scarborough .
14 My argument was that , as Michael Heseltine had so boldly listed Battersea Power Station in 1980 , it was illogical not to protect a much finer and more complete industrial work by the same architect .
15 Even survey data gathered by the same multinational company might differ significantly between one country and another .
16 But by the same logic they can not accept the combination of a press controlled by a handful of publishers , overwhelmingly biased in one direction , and impartial , balanced broadcasting .
17 I will not go on to examine by the same criteria the other manifestations of The Thing , such as the anti-apartheid demonstrations , in which open breach of the law was widely condoned and encouraged by the organs of public opinion .
18 We might say that the narrator is being fucked by the same in the position of the other — a formulation intentionally ambiguous as to who exactly is in the position of the other , since it is both : the narrator is in the position of the woman being fucked by the other of woman ( man ) .
19 Desire is informed by the same oppressive constructions of gender that we would willingly dispense with .
20 What such an identification involved becomes apparent in Prisoner in a passage which renders the crucial difference not one of colour , yet by the same criterion reinstates the distinction between blacks and whites : ‘ What separates us from the Blacks today is not so much the colour of our skin or the type of our hair as the phantom-ridden psyche we never see except when a Black lets fall some joking and to us cryptic phrase .
21 ‘ I can assure you , ’ he told Tom Driberg , ‘ that if I was left as free a hand in French Indochina and the Netherlands East Indies as I was left in Burma , I could solve both these problems by the same methods ; though it is heartbreaking to have to leave the political control to other nations when we are really in military control . ’
22 Since women 's role in politics will be restricted by the same male attitudes which militate against equality in the home , the Christian churches will continue to be particularly attractive to them .
23 Water levels are coming up at exactly the same speed , and Chew and Blagdon are even being visited by the same migrant wildfowl .
24 That is , they make crystal clear something which is implied in The German Ideology , that the history of mankind is governed by the same processes in all times , and that the main one of these processes is class conflict .
25 If in a particular language a woman referred to a large number of men other than her husband by the same term as the one she used for her husband , this implied , for Morgan and Engels , that in an earlier stage of this system , a woman would have been wife to all of these men .
26 Similarly if in a language a woman referred to her son by the same term as she used for the son of her sister , this showed that the system of terms developed at a time when the two sisters would have been co-wives of the same man or men .
27 According to such a theory , if we , in English , call both our mother 's brother and our father 's brother by the same term — ‘ uncle ’ — it is because these two relatives are , to us , the same ‘ kind ’ of relative , and that probably the fact that we use the one word causes us to see them in that way .
28 The fact that several types of relatives can be called by the same term does not mean that they can not be distinguished .
29 The fact that we call both our mother 's brother and father 's brother by the same term does not mean that we are unaware of the fact that we are related to them in different ways or that we can not express this difference by using such phrases as ‘ my uncle on my mother 's side ’ .
30 This is just the same for systems like the Polynesian one , discussed by Engels , where large numbers of people can referred to by the same term as one 's father .
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