Example sentences of "by [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , contract computer staff often gain advice and assistance from the agencies through which they work on how to proceed with incorporation , and are often encouraged by them to take this step .
2 would place an oil burning lamp by them trying to unblock them .
3 How far anyone is convinced by them depends in the last resort on the themes of the last two chapters — on imagination and experience .
4 by them stopping it 's not gon na really do anything .
5 A 'sham " has been defined by Diplock LJ ( as he then was ) in Snook v London and West Riding Investments Ltd [ 1967 ] 2 QB 786 ( at p802 ) to include : [ A ] cts done or documents executed by the parties to the " sham " which are intended by them to give to third parties or to the court the appearance of creating between the parties legal rights and obligations different from the actual legal rights and obligations ( if any ) which the parties intend to create .
6 Genet joined these movements because asked by them to do so .
7 Daniel son of Nicholas of Newcastle , husband of one of the co-heiresses , was appointed by them to perform the duties of Forest warden until he was succeeded in 1226 by Thomas of Stratton , husband of another co-heiress .
8 This is not to suggest that there were trackways everywhere ( although they probably remain to be found elsewhere in Somerset , and records exist of others from the bogs of Lancashire ) , but that the exploitation of the landscape implied by them existed very widely .
9 For example , the psychological dilemmas of women 's two roles discussed in the late 1950s by Myrdal and Klein are said by them to affect only the minority of educated middle-class women .
10 Despite some unavoidable differences between the theoretical and actual pendulums , the phenomena exhibited by them show good correspondence .
11 ‘ The town hall was used for the toxic waste inquiry and the Butler Sloss inquiry and people affected by them had ready access , ’ he said .
12 To their credit the Stirling pack roused themselves to greater efforts , but after four pushover attempts by them had been repulsed , Heriot 's countered and it was Stoddart who ran through some weak tackling and put Henry Murray in for try which Lawrie converted .
13 Since international trade law is largely dispositive and is designed primarily to facilitate international transactions between business enterprises it is only sensible to try out proposals on those who will be affected by them to see whether they will really work .
14 At balance , the currents through the unity-ratio arms BC and CD of figure 7.14 are equal and the sense of the windings is such that the magnetic fluxes created in the core of the transformer by them cancel .
15 It was common ground that if the pre-1873 jurisdiction of the judges as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary appeals was a jurisdiction exercised by them sitting elsewhere than in court or chambers , when acting as judges in pursuance of any statute , law or custom , then the jurisdiction was vested in the High Court and exercised by judges of that court sitting as such and was not amenable to judicial review .
16 Economic questions about ageing are seen by them to have an explicitly political dimension because the state , being the major determinant of the economic status of the elderly population , is regarded as capable ( and culpable ) of creating a new sort of deliberately structured dependency among old people .
17 She was clearly mentally disturbed , and the reason that I got in touch with the legal project was to see if there 's anything that could be done by them to start giving her some way of getting in touch , getting to solve her problem .
18 The note to this rule in the 1993 White Book suggests that service on the defendant 's solicitors in England pursuant to an unqualified oral agreement by them to accept service is good service but points out that this practice of endorsement is unnecessary and unsafe since by itself it does not give notice of an intention to defend .
19 As we saw when considering the interactionist critique of positivism , there are two particularly important reasons for this : first , the processes of definition and application produce the data specifying the nature of , and the trends in , crime , and the characteristics of criminals that are subsequently used by criminologists to construct their theories and explanations ; second , these processes of definition and application have consequences for the meanings , implications and justifications that those ‘ labelled ’ by them give to their own actions .
20 Now look as though you 're surprised by them love !
21 Esteemed , nevertheless , by foreign secretaries , such as Robert Banks Jenkinson ( later second Earl of Liverpool ) and George Canning [ qq.v. ] , he was used by them to train budding diplomats such as ( Sir ) Augustus John Foster and Stratford Canning ( later first Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe ) [ qq.v . ] .
22 Those leaders have tried to keep their empires isolated from the Darwinian laws of survival , despite the fact that none of the ‘ gods ’ as presented by them has ever been able to set aside the inexorable operation of those laws .
23 Between 1991 and 1992 , the numbers of both PRP schemes and employees covered by them have doubled .
24 Did the obligations implied by them have any marked practical effects ?
25 Formations of the more modern kinds may be seen to occur , typically , at points of transition and intersection within a complex social history , but the individuals who at once compose the formations and are composed by them have a further complex range of diverse positions , interests and influences , some of which are resolved ( if at times only temporarily ) by the formations , others of which remain as internal differences , as tensions , and often as the grounds for subsequent divergences , breakaways , breakups and further attempted formations .
26 Lost bytes : Computer experts IBM have urged businesses to increase their back-up facilities after a survey commissioned by them suggests that up to £1.5bn a year is lost through computer breaches and damage to computer systems .
27 In the previous chapter we saw how anthropology was sometimes used by them to show the historical particularity of institutions which under capitalism were represented as eternal .
28 They said , ‘ Do you want to ? ’ and I said , ‘ Not particularly , ’ but they suggested running a few things by me to see if I was interested .
29 BELVILLE : This happy estray thus restored begs leave by me to acknowledge its lovely owner !
30 And God must have heard my prayers , for it passed by me leaving me unharmed . ’
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