Example sentences of "at those time " in BNC.

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1 Its atmosphere at those times is utterly special .
2 This was not ideal because of fatigue and farm work that had to be carried out at those times .
3 I occasionally use a quiver-tip on stillwaters , but it is an indicator I find most valuable on rivers , except at those times when the fish are being very finicky , when I will touch-leger .
4 The ideological differences which have emerged no matter how defined by warring factions , are nevertheless traceable , in general , to the differing responses which they have made at those times in their histories when the need to make the decision became manifest .
5 But when I am kicked in the groin in my father 's house , when I am taunted and called ‘ nigger ’ and ‘ black bastard ’ , when I am arrested as a result of police harassment , at those times I am ashamed to be British .
6 Can the same be said of military firing at those times ?
7 In these experiments , the rats learn the new trick best at those times when they remember the old trick least well : it is as if a rat can learn a new trick more easily when its memory is not muddling it with the memory of the old trick .
8 It was at those times , or times like the present as they went about the health-care tasks that were now so routine , that she most often brought up the question of this campaign over Tom .
9 It would therefore be helpful to let me know of your availability at those times by completing the attached form .
10 Clare 's and Bryony 's names were on it , and they were at home at those times ( unless the phone rang for them ) .
11 At those times , they got on well together .
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