Example sentences of "at no time " in BNC.

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1 At no time will this be more true than in the 1990s , when the art critic confronts an increasingly international community of art .
2 At no time have I believed that environment is a complete explanation of art .
3 If we look at Pound in 1927 and 1928 , when he instituted from or through Paris his periodical , The Exile , and sustained it through four issues , we get the impression of a man yawing about without direction , as at no time either earlier or later in his career .
4 At no time , however , did they use such draconian measures to stifle dissent .
5 Edwards , Manchester United 's chief executive and major shareholder , was at pains to emphasise that Knighton had been in a position to complete the deal , but had not done so ‘ in the interests of the club ’ and had at no time sought compensation .
6 It also brought up the art quote of the year , from one Ziff Fistrunk ( no , I do not make up the name ) , director of the Southside Chicago Sports Council , who organised the protest : ‘ I have trained players in Little League and semi-pro baseball , and at no time did I train them naked . ’
7 At no time did I supply money for arms . ’
8 At no time have I been able to see anything cither Nazi or necessarily homosexual in the listed pleasures , which are precisely of the kind which might occur in a George MacDonald fantasy .
9 Although the 1914–18 war quickened the speed of the decline in fertility and resulted , during a loss of around 600,000 unborn children who would otherwise have been brought into the world , at no time did the rate touch the low level at which it stood in 1939 .
10 At no time had he mentioned the therapist by name .
11 Although some speakers urged everyone who agreed with some proposition to show their hand , at no time was a vote taken : the chairman summed up the sense of the meeting after each item , announcing what he thought Kufra 's delegates were mandated to say at the National Assembly .
12 Thus , at no time in the future should any Scot be summoned to court or parliament outside Scotland — a direct reminder of Edward I 's particular offence .
13 At no time did England lack a government which could give direction to religious affairs , whether that of Henry VIII , Mary and Elizabeth , or the minority government of Edward VI , presided over by the exceedingly tough Somerset and Northumberland .
14 Mr Stan Eldon , chairman of the organising committee for the wheelchair event , said in a letter to competitors : ‘ At no time must you overtake these escorting motorcycles .
15 Their economic viability , at no time very great , has become fragile risking complete social and economic disintegration .
16 Fisons adds that at no time did it use ‘ beer kegs ’ for storage during the manufacture of Imferon and that the bulk intermediate storage vessels , which looked like beer kegs , have now been replaced .
17 At no time in its long history of seven hundred years has Parliament governed , nor save for a brief period when the Constitution broke down in the seventeenth century has it made any claim to do so .
18 Certainly , at no time did the lift pass anything like 6,000 tons a day .
19 She at no time had an emotional link with the father of the infant — she never met him , as I must again repeat — or an emotional involvement with the pregnancy .
20 At no time had there been any hint that France should try to benefit from the British embarrassment during this critical period , though the press published sharp attacks on the British policy of reprisals after the Mutiny was over .
21 It is no coincidence that the areas of greatest prosperity in late twentieth-century Britain correspond to the civil area of the Roman province : at no time since the withdrawal of the Romans from Britain in AD 410 has the economic and political relationship with continental Europe been so close .
22 At no time will the report be sent to us without your consent , but without the report we would be unable to proceed with your application .
23 At no time will the report be sent to us without your consent , but without the report we would be unable to proceed with your Application .
24 At no time was the company informed that the establishment of the trades in question required consent in writing .
25 At no time should you ever share this knowledge with other residents or talk about their affairs , unless it is relevant to improving their care or reviewing it with other members of staff concerned .
26 Although this role is secondary , and must at no time be abused , the student learns through planning and providing care for individual patients .
27 At no time were we issued with radiation monitors , yet we were only 24 miles from grounds zero .
28 In other words , despite all the efforts of people anxious to prove otherwise , the fact is that man 's need for a ‘ god ’ has always been met as a result of his own efforts , and at no time supernaturally .
29 At no time did the King mention the progress of the war , and it was hardly the place or time to open the subject .
30 At no time , either , did Zacco either seek to be alone with him , or utter a word of reproach about his failure with Famagusta .
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