Example sentences of "at one [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm already at one thousand and something and I have n't finished yet . ’
2 At five fifty , six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred and fifty , nine hundred and fifty , one thousand one hundred , two hundred , three hundred , four hundred five hundred at one thousand five hundred pounds on my right , six hundred seven hundred one thousand seven hundred pounds on my right now , any more at one thousand seven hundred pounds ?
3 At five fifty , six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred and fifty , nine hundred and fifty , one thousand one hundred , two hundred , three hundred , four hundred five hundred at one thousand five hundred pounds on my right , six hundred seven hundred one thousand seven hundred pounds on my right now , any more at one thousand seven hundred pounds ?
4 I shall sell then at one thousand seven hundred pounds .
5 One thousand three on my right standing and I 'll sell at one thousand three hundred pounds .
6 One thousand pounds , standing at the back then at one thousand pounds , against you seated and I 'll sell at one thousand , any more at one thousand pounds ? thank you .
7 One thousand pounds , standing at the back then at one thousand pounds , against you seated and I 'll sell at one thousand , any more at one thousand pounds ? thank you .
8 One thousand pounds , standing at the back then at one thousand pounds , against you seated and I 'll sell at one thousand , any more at one thousand pounds ? thank you .
9 Eight hundred eight fifty nine hundred nine fifty one thousand one thousand pounds standing now on my right , any more at a thousand pounds , are you all done , it 's up there and I 'll sell at one thousand pounds .
10 At seven hundred pounds , all done at seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred , and fifty , nine hundred , and fifty , one thousand one hundred , two hundred , three hundred , four hundred , five hundred at one thousand five hundred on the right now , any more ?
11 Three eighty , four hundred four twenty , four fifty four eighty , five hundred and fifty six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty it 's on the left at seven fifty now , eight hundred behind you against you now eight fifty nine hundred standing nine fifty one thousand one thousand pounds standing on the left at the back , one hundred two hundred three hundred , one one thousand three hundred pounds , that 's against any more at one thousand three hundred , four hundred , five hundred one thousand five hundred standing , any more ?
12 One thousand five hundred pounds then , are you all done at one thousand five hundred pounds ? thank you .
13 Five hundred five fifty six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred eight hundred pounds seated now , eight fifty nine hundred nine fifty , one thousand , one hundred one thousand one hundred pounds now , any more at one thousand one hundred and I shall sell then at one thousand one hundred pounds .
14 Five hundred five fifty six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred eight hundred pounds seated now , eight fifty nine hundred nine fifty , one thousand , one hundred one thousand one hundred pounds now , any more at one thousand one hundred and I shall sell then at one thousand one hundred pounds .
15 At one thousand four hundred on my right and I 'll sell at one thousand four hundred pounds .
16 At one thousand four hundred on my right and I 'll sell at one thousand four hundred pounds .
17 At one thousand one hundred pounds on the right at the back , any more at one thousand one hundred pounds .
18 At one thousand one hundred pounds on the right at the back , any more at one thousand one hundred pounds .
19 one hundred and nine the English chamber barrel organ now showing , thank you and I have eight hundred pounds offered for this fifty , nine hundred and fifty nine hundred and fifty pounds one thousand one hundred one thousand two hundred on my right now at one thousand two hundred pounds , any more ?
20 One thousand four hundred on my left at one thousand four hundred pounds any advance on one thousand , five hundred one thousand six hundred seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred one thousand nine hundred pounds , any more at one thousand nine hundred ?
21 One thousand four hundred on my left at one thousand four hundred pounds any advance on one thousand , five hundred one thousand six hundred seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred one thousand nine hundred pounds , any more at one thousand nine hundred ?
22 The bid is there at one thousand nine hundred pounds one thousand nine hundred pounds .
23 Lot a hundred and twenty two overture snuff box Der Freischutz this one , Lot one two two for which I have one thousand pounds offered , one hundred , two hundred three hundred four hundred one thousand five hundred one thousand six hundred , any more at one thousand six hundred pounds ?
24 All done then at seven hundred pounds , seven fifty , eight hundred eight fifty , nine hundred , nine fifty , one thousand one hundred at one thousand one hundred in the fifth row , any more at one thousand one hundred and I shall sell at one thousand one hundred pounds .
25 All done then at seven hundred pounds , seven fifty , eight hundred eight fifty , nine hundred , nine fifty , one thousand one hundred at one thousand one hundred in the fifth row , any more at one thousand one hundred and I shall sell at one thousand one hundred pounds .
26 All done then at seven hundred pounds , seven fifty , eight hundred eight fifty , nine hundred , nine fifty , one thousand one hundred at one thousand one hundred in the fifth row , any more at one thousand one hundred and I shall sell at one thousand one hundred pounds .
27 One thousand two hundred pounds , the bid 's with me , are you all done at one thousand two hundred pounds a thousand three hundred on my right now at one thousand three hundred pounds , any more ?
28 One thousand two hundred pounds , the bid 's with me , are you all done at one thousand two hundred pounds a thousand three hundred on my right now at one thousand three hundred pounds , any more ?
29 At one thousand three hundred and I shall sell at one thousand three hundred pounds .
30 At one thousand three hundred and I shall sell at one thousand three hundred pounds .
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