Example sentences of "at the way " in BNC.

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1 CAMRA is also concerned at the way in which many keg beers are brewed and the ingredients used .
2 Calm down , cheer up , control your temper , wipe that make-up off , you look like a tart , look at the way you walk , do n't wear those trousers , put a dress on , men ca n't control themselves , it 's up to you to take control , love bites are a sign of a man out of control , your sister 's a tart , if you lose your name no one will have you , who do you think you are , listen to her — social life ?
3 Fine , thought Jay , wincing at the way she always overstepped the mark .
4 After hearing defence submissions that the £600,000 payout to Mrs Sutcliffe was ‘ perverse and excessive ’ , Lord Donaldson said : ‘ It may be that the general jury approach to newspaper libel at the moment is tempered by some indignation at the way some branches of the Press are run — coupled with the feeling that , if you can get £1m on the pools , why should n't you get £1m on the newspapers too ?
5 We are angry at the way Labour is being presented and we are going to go for them . ’
6 ‘ It is time for the party as a whole to take a step back and look at the way in which its democracy is being carried out , ’ he told the conference .
7 There is growing unease among members of the Cabinet at the way in which Mr Lawson 's task is being made more difficult by the Prime Minister .
8 - Elizabeth Rex , chairman of the Harwich Conservative Association ‘ You only have to look at the way we have annoyed the Establishment and the professions to gauge the success of our populist policies . ’
9 When you look at the way our railways are run , we can only be grateful that British Rail no longer owns hotels , particularly when you recall what a wonderful training ground the old British Transport Hotels used to be .
10 Gradually we re-evaluated ourselves as women and looked at the way we had always put ourselves down .
11 The defects of the present set-up were inherited from the previous regime and those who see Prean 's point of view and are aware of the dissatisfaction of many players at the way in which computer points are calculated had already been planning a more advanced system .
12 It 's about collison of cultures in Britain since the end of the war , and it looks at the way that some artists of non-British origin have come to terms with modern art — or , rather , have made a personal art by calling on ways of expression that might have been absolutely native to them in other countries than this .
13 He is intelligent and articulate , and bitter at the way the years he spent in care have handicapped his chances : ‘ I went into care when my family broke up .
14 It is worth looking at the way the Soviet leader 's behaviour changed in the course of the crisis .
15 Outside Cabinet Leon Brittan argued in a speech that the Government must have the right to look at new ideas , although I suspect that both Leon and Geoffrey Howe must have been appalled at the way the issue had been handled .
16 Even up here in the wood miles away from the class-room Philip felt his face burn at the way he 'd made a fool of himself .
17 In this essay I shall look at the way in which female sexuality has been constructed from a particular biology which has had to exclude female desire .
18 Others , demoralized apostles of free enterprise , were appalled at the way in which the old boy network laid its palsied hand upon the business of wealth creation .
19 There were so many among her High School and Neighbours friends who were amazed at the way the shy , fragile , far from self-confident Kylie coped with her instant elevation to international celebrity .
20 Some said he quit because he was unhappy at the way the screen play changed the original story .
21 It 's strange since it meant , during performances , looking very closely at people I had n't quite looked at before — at the way they move , characteristic positions they stand in . ’
22 It is a part of his search for perfection , according to Mr Ferguson , who is delighted at the way Schmeichel has adapted to life in England .
23 ‘ I 'll 'av to tell yew girls to gaou , ’ wailed Mrs Sugden , and Wendy and I felt a frisson of mirth , quickly and ashamedly suppressed , at the way fate had played into our hands .
24 However , it is time to take a more positive view , and to look at the way early organisms began to combine energy from the sun with gases in the atmosphere and in so doing enabled life as we know it to evolve .
25 Nor can I look at the way in which this view of faith and reason has influenced contemporary Christian thinking , both mainstream and among the evangelical or fundamentalist groups where it is most in evidence .
26 The next chapter looks at the way in which the working class has been involved in class alliances in order to capture the state and exert influence that way .
27 But the most common motive for protest was a mixture of worry about the dangers , mistrust of uncontrolled technological advance , and anger at the way the authorities were ignoring public opinion .
28 When I was in Liberia I was appalled at the way the French contrived and set things up .
29 The skinhead style , for all its apparent knuckleheadedness , is a consciously held pose , a deliberate turning back to earlier , more certain times when men were men and girls stuck by their blokes through thick and thin , a time when an observer could tell an individual 's social status by merely glancing down at the footwear or at the way a person walked .
30 What this entailed for civil liberties may be gleaned by looking at the way in which Dicey dealt with traditional freedoms in the body of his work .
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