Example sentences of "at all [art] " in BNC.

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1 That 's right I mean this card is carried with them and looked at all every every basically everybody will look at that erm because the good quality
2 ‘ Oh , I did n't think you would come , ’ she said , and laughed , not at all a confused laugh , but quiet , and at herself rather than at him , looking down at her cupped hands as she did so .
3 My master , Dr Grossman , says it is n't at all a dirty book if you read all of it .
4 On her return to Austria , she was careful to keep her new hobby a secret from her parents , who ‘ would not have considered it at all a proper pastime for a young girl ’ .
5 Mr Andrew De Rosa , the theatre 's general manager , said : ‘ It was actually a very simple thing that went wrong : not at all a piece of technical wizardry .
6 ‘ I 'm not at all a natural mother , ’ said Rachel .
7 For Labour the traditional family has always been a moral absolute and not at all a changing social relationship , statistics on single-parent families notwithstanding — not to mention ‘ pretended families ’ .
8 Someone , somewhere , figured out that a shapely , karate-dispensing ebony superwoman would n't be at all a bad idea .
9 We get a glimpse of how history might seem to the most virtuous , and most pagan , of virtuous pagans — an odd effect in , but not at all a contradiction to ‘ a fundamentally religious and Catholic work ’ .
10 The book is very personal , not at all a dry textbook , and even gives the impression of being a labour of love .
11 Gould is not at all a hard-sell .
12 This was not at all a foolish answer , if one supposes that geometry describes the properties of space and that occupancy of space is the basic property of matter .
13 Concussion will lead us very nicely onto compression and if anybody in your place of work has a head injury at all a knock on their head and they say , most people do do n't they ?
14 Would-be lawyers will find this game not at all a bad test of their powers of advocacy .
15 The Lindenhof , in fact , is not at all a bad place to do it , since this is where Zurich 's recorded history begins .
16 But it 's not at all a bad idea to have a quick guided tour on your first day to get an idea of the layout , saving a lot of time asking the way and taking the wrong turning .
17 He was like the squirrel with his bright clear skin , his healthy curls and gleaming eyes : not at all a sullen , greedy , domestic beast , destined for an ignominious end .
18 ‘ It 's really not at all a bad sort of office to be in . ’
19 ‘ My father is not at all a well man .
20 Not at all a bad beginning . ’
21 For example , separate decisions need to be taken in relation to : ( 1 ) VAT registrationwhere , if the partners of the new office are not to be the same as those carrying on business at headquarters , separate registration will be required ; ( 2 ) preparation of accountswhere if separate accounts for each office are kept , with separate accounting dates ( which is a matter to be settled between the partners and the firm 's accountants and involves no breach of professional conduct whichever decision may be taken ) , accountants ' reports will have to be produced in respect of each office ; ( 3 ) identity of the partnerswhether the new office should be run as a separate partnership or as a branch office ; ( 4 ) investment business certificatesseparate certificates will be needed if there is not an identity of partners at all a firm 's offices .
22 Order , or or or order , order , the honourable lady would not expect me to comment on something that has been on television , er in something that I I have no er I I did n't even see last night , it 's up to the minister whether he wishes to come and make a statement it is really not at all a point of order for me .
23 ‘ That 's not at all a nice thing to say , Emma , ’ Laura told her sternly .
24 It glamourises what is not at all a glamourous job .
25 Looked at all the usual things ; the cottages , the rectory and so on and , eventually ended up in the churchyard ; the one where Rupert Brooke is buried .
26 As a seasoned business traveller I am constantly amazed at all the lost opportunities to build customer loyalty .
27 Look at all the things I 've done — I 'm not being choosy .
28 Look at all the billions that have come in from North Sea oil and privatization .
29 I sat on the shore and stared at all the junk left on the beach : beer bottles , paper wrappers , bits of clothing , shreds of cigarettes .
30 There is now full time working at all the operational distilleries for the first time in eight years .
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