Example sentences of "at that time " in BNC.

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1 Volunteers worked on research alongside their paid counterparts and Burley recalls the hundreds of Spanish and Portuguese POCs on whose behalf Amnesty worked at that time .
2 H. W. Janson 's History of Art , the standard college textbook , did not at that time mention a single woman artist ’ ; and in discussing the period reviewed by the exhibition , various choices of media made by women artists are chronicled , for , ‘ Many women artists eschewed painting — especially abstract painting — as a domain polluted by long saturation with male dominant values , and developed their themes in performance . ’
3 Provincial cities which had ten to twelve theatres now have one or two and probably there were double the number of actors at that time .
4 At that time , the Roman catholic archbishop of Dublin intervened in a pastoral letter in the following revealing terms :
5 As has already been seen , it was the style of both church and politicians to avoid their mutual consultations being known , which tells us that the secularity of the state at that time was partially a façade , but one which it was felt by both interested parties had to be maintained , probably so as not to confuse the faithful .
6 It was me , her personal tutor at that time , who persuaded her to stay .
7 At that time , Punch ( 1979 ) pointed out ( in a comparison of facilities in Britain and Holland ) that research into the police in Britain is not easy and
8 Said Leonard to us over a bottle of Sabbath wine , ‘ I did not have a scholar 's bent ; at that time I spent many evenings with Layton and we would ‘ crack ’ poetry together — discover the poet 's meaning .
9 The following is his acceptance speech as President and , while betraying a certain youthfulness , it demonstrates the cast — the humour and the audacity — of his mind at that time :
10 It is unfortunate that the influential Dudek could only illustrate Leonard 's work by quoting from the admittedly despondent poem ‘ Rededication ’ , without a reference to the many other elements of positive delight that the book — and Leonard 's work elsewhere at that time — demonstrates .
11 It was not all going to be wine and roses ; and Leonard again felt the sharp problem of the Canadian writer at that time — having a small home market , not wishing to become artistically part of the ‘ 53rd State ’ of America , and yet having nowhere else to go .
12 The beer was at that time customarily garnished with a slice of lemon .
13 People have told me the lemon was to mask the taste of the uneven products made at that time by unscientific country brewers ; I do not believe that .
14 At that time , the IC IB comparator switches low , causing IC ID 'S bistable output to go low , which turns off Q1 .
15 With the British having more distance to cover at that time than any other nation , including the Americans : ‘ Cable enterprises supplanted the railways as popular investments ’ 2 .
16 But dominion in the Atlantic cable ventures came about not through technological pre-eminence but via another British near-monopoly at that time : capital .
17 No less tortuous was the route chosen for the Australian cable , crossing the island of Java , at that time a Dutch possession .
18 Kermode 's seminar established a useful informal link with the work going on at Cambridge , and the participants included Stephen Heath , Jonathan Culler , who was at that time teaching at Cambridge , and Culler 's then wife , Veronica Forrest-Thomson .
19 The Michelin Guide to the Côte de l'Atlantique says that this eerie and impressive cavern , which communicates by a passage through the cliff to the château on the summit , was probably made in the twelfth century to shelter the relics of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem brought back from a Crusade by Pierre II of Castillon , who at that time held the château .
20 This is certainly not the language that one uses of a resident sage or recognized ‘ master ’ ; and it seems that in Paris at that time there was in fact no one who esteemed Pound in either of those ways .
21 At that time hardly anyone but Winters would have named Williams in the same breath as Eliot , and it is characteristic of Winters 's perversity ( or his independence ) that thirty years later , when it had become usual to set Williams up against Eliot , Winters 's opinion of Williams had long been much less favourable .
22 Of the other 13 POWs , six were given nothing , five either died at that time or could not be traced , and two refused to submit to means testing .
23 At that time , Grand Met entered into an option whereby Brent Walker could sell Whyte & Mackay to it for £150m at any time before October 31 . ’
24 As a young doctor in Leiden he paid a seminal visit to the neuroanatomist WJH Nauta , at that time developing a revolutionary anatomical technique for investigating the nervous system by staining degenerating fibres cut off from their parent cell-bodies .
25 But at that time he was fully occupied with BAT .
26 He took lessons in elocution as an amateur actor from Rosalind Iden , Sir Donald Wolfit 's wife and leading actress , at that time with the Sheffield Rep , which Dignam himself later joined .
27 But on escaping from Wales to study music at Goldsmith 's College in London under the auspices of Aaron Copland , Cale decided that ‘ the best thing for a classical musician in London at that time was to get involved in avant-garde .
28 Having lost their captain , Zbigniew Boniek , arguably the greatest of Polish footballers , to Juventus , Widzew saw Dziekanowski as a replacement and so , at 21 , ‘ Jacki ’ was transferred in 1984 for 21m zlotys , a record between Polish clubs , amounting at that time to some £200,000 .
29 ‘ In our village , as in many villages in the world at that time , there was a souvenir shop , ’ one story goes .
30 As a result of a visit to Ruthenia in 1939 on behalf of the Evening Standard during which she was briefly imprisoned , she met and married the then notorious journalist Claud Cockburn who was at that time producing his one-man newsletter The Week .
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