Example sentences of "at his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One day when great big pink flowers opened up in William and Jenny 's bowls Mum took Wee Joe to have another look at his one in the cupboard .
2 Nurse Walton looked down at his battered face .
3 Penry stretched out his long legs to glower at his battered espadrilles .
4 Paul Lexington at his greasiest .
5 Now at his lowest ebb , Marinello can reflect on life in the fast lane .
6 At his lowest ebb , Macari was threatened with imprisonment and his wife rang friends to secure bail money of £50,000 .
7 Finney is at his grumpy best as drink-ravaged constable Brendan Hegarty who falls for beautiful , headstrong mum Tara Maguire ( Robin Wright ) , in the Ireland of 1957 .
8 He wanted a noisy , breezy curate to get at his rough teenagers .
9 A strange mixture of dread and tremulous joy at seeing fitzAlan again battled for supremacy with outrage at his rough treatment of her .
10 Some football lovers might wish they ca n't find it so we can have our outstanding memories of Maradona at his supreme best .
11 She flung back the bedclothes and released a breath of pent-up fury , shaking her head in disbelief at that man 's ill-temper , at his supreme superiority .
12 And I looked at his sad face .
13 I looked at his plastered leg .
14 They have been particularly hard on Leopold Mozart , who is portrayed as a stern , tyrannical disciplinarian , dragging the little boy and his gifted sister round Europe like a pair of performing monkeys , constantly nagging at his adolescent son , and finally growing old and bitter alone in Salzburg after Wolfgang had left for Vienna and married against his father 's wishes .
15 His face was non-committal , and Kate felt suddenly shy because of the wave of lust that swept over her as she looked back at his unshaven cheeks .
16 McGee , who had come downstairs to test the quality of the sherry while Mrs Quickly , the plumper of the two cooks , stood at the back door fervently pulling on a cigarette , leaped to his feet , pulled at his black tie and took the back stairs two at a time .
17 The old man had lost his hat , and wept tears of shame at his forced surrender .
18 He is also quite charming , with an attractive dry sense of humour , as I soon discovered over a beautifully prepared meal at his spacious London home .
19 Anthony Dryland resisted resigning and stayed on at his spacious Army quarters in Germany after his wife Christine went berserk in her car .
20 But physiology was also a family activity ; he had a laboratory at his spacious home in London .
21 Through his glass James Flemyng observed a fine exhibition of model workmen sawing and hammering industriously at his great new masterwork .
22 The 29ft 6in columns of North Leith Church were to reappear at his great Classical mansion of Camperdown seven years later .
23 Gregory , who has been in and out of care most of his life , did n't even glance at his 30-year-old mother as he told the court in Orlando , Florida :
24 In Division One he was subjected to a lot of dubious physical challenge and then , as Palace managers came and went , Vince 's role was constantly changing , so that he became something of an enigma to Palace fans who would one week marvel at his sinuous skills and near-perfect control but then despair at his virtual anonymity the next .
25 He looked down at his splayed fingers .
26 At first , he doubted his ability to succeed at his self-appointed task , which seemed ‘ utterly formidable , completely ludicrous ’ .
27 Lord John plucked at his uniform coat as though that proved his credentials .
28 A glance up at his mocking face was answer enough .
29 Certainly Mr Mansbridge from his vantage point of above or below can enjoy our acclaim at his pictorial success .
30 ‘ Oh , I do n't know , ’ said Coffin , tugging at his nicotine-stained moustache .
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