Example sentences of "at a [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 At a second level were industrialists like Jeffrey Sterling , the chairman of the P&O shipping company , for whom she arranged a knighthood .
2 Rather , they would prefer to struggle on , in charge of a minority government , in the hope that the economy will recover and they can reap the benefits at a second election after about a year — as Labour did in 1974 .
3 However , when unveiled , this scheme met with only a lukewarm response ( and was disparagingly described by the prince of Wales as ‘ resembling a 1930s wireless set ’ ) and SAVE renewed its objection at a second public inquiry in 1988 .
4 Then it goes on to look at a second play , B , and the replies to that .
5 ( This may be done on the spot or brought at a second visit . )
6 The results were followed up at a second Latin American consultation which was held in São Leopoldo , Brazil , in July 1992 .
7 At a second level , law functions to facilitate commercial activity through particular doctrines .
8 Eighteen months later , in March 1944 , at a second Chinese-sponsored conference at Liuchow , Ho had not only managed to slip back under the nationalist umbrella of the Dong Minh Hoi but , as one of its representatives , was named as a member of a Provisional Government which was expecting to enter Vietnam in the wake of the ‘ liberating ’ Chinese armies .
9 At a second reading :
10 These were then collated and summarised by a planning group with copies made available for all in order to encourage further dialogue , debate and reflection at a second conversation the following evening .
11 An interim report is being prepared and this will form the basis of discussion at a second national seminar to be Friday 22 April 1988 at 1400 hours in the Crest Hotel , Queensferry Road , Edinburgh .
12 These issues were due to be investigated at a second trial , to start on Jan. 14 , 1991 , when the senior financiers Roger Seeling , David Mayhew and Lord Spens were to stand trial for accepting the money .
13 Progress was recorded at a second round of discussions between the transitional government and the rebel Rwandan Patriotic Front ( FPR ) on Aug. 10-18 in Arusha , Tanzania .
14 A discussion at a second meeting underlined the relationship between possible changes and the forthcoming heavy work load at the CNAA .
15 The two gall bladder perforations were caused by an inexperienced radiologist learning the technique and were managed conservatively by percutaneously draining the gall bladder for seven to 10 days to allow the perforation to heal and performing stone extraction at a second stage .
16 Now it 's for sale at a second hand car dealers in Charlton Kings .
17 No-one can hope to have a command of all these things at a first audition .
18 ‘ Right , ’ he said , pointing at a first floor window where a light gleamed faintly .
19 They had arrived at a first floor landing .
20 Pictured looking at a first edition of Mansfield Park are , back row :
21 And there are many men and women who , having ‘ failed ’ at a first marriage , have gone on to learn from that failure and to have extremely happy second marriages .
22 At a first glance , it may be thought that methods for script and speech recognition would be the same , because both are attempting to process natural language .
23 Such an order permits a child to be held in secure accommodation for up to three months at a first hearing , and six months on renewal .
24 Don ? t expect to understand everything at a first reading .
25 At a first reading :
26 The theme and each variation are extremely brief , only eleven bars , and each finishes so quickly and changes mood so rapidly that at a first hearing one can not possibly grasp the course of events .
27 Bear in mind that choral music tends to obscure the clarity of words , and that at a first hearing few people will understand them , their attention inevitably being concentrated on the music .
28 Since we can not count on people grasping much of the words at a first hearing it is the musical qualities which will contribute to the success or failure of a choral piece .
29 One very small point of procedure is worth noting : at a first glance at this example there appears to be a redundancy of the indication pp , but on closer examination it is seen that it has never been used unnecessarily , for where it appears on the same line of the score in two successive bars the first of the pair of instruments whose parts are written on that line enters alone , and the second joins him in the next bar .
30 Others who have not this privilege would be well advised to listen carefully to recordings with the score , and to go over many times passages which seem to them obscure or unfamiliar in sound at a first hearing .
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