Example sentences of "at the people " in BNC.

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1 Look at the people who are taking part in a revolt .
2 He glared at the people who surrounded the tent , and they glared back , wanting action .
3 James laughed , ‘ Look at them , Angus , look at the people , they are rampant now , this is better than ‘ Forty-five , nobody is dying , no royal fop is leading us into the bog .
4 I used to smile at the people who stopped me in the street , not knowing what they wanted at first , until I discovered that there were actually beggars in London .
5 My blonde self laughed at the people of my village .
6 After graduating from the Harbin Military Technology Institute , she worked at the People 's Liberation Army General Staff headquarters .
7 He started gawking at the people in the stands when he came into the stretch .
8 Look at the people you 're trying to reach .
9 Rather it is necessary to look at the people involved — the professionals — and understand how they relate both to their clients and to the organisations in which they work , for it is these structures that powerfully condition the primary relationships .
10 Dismal woman , Briant thought and dismissed her too from his mind , turning his head again to look at the people in front of him .
11 You need to look at others with new eyes , to look at the people within your home and at work in a different way .
12 Stage 2 is aimed at the people who have worked on their business idea with the help of their counsellor over the summer .
13 As she finished her breathing was ragged , her eyes darting from the newsprint to stare unseeingly at the people pushing past her into the Metro and back to the newsprint again .
14 The final example is perhaps an unexpected mathematical experience as there is no discussion of the tower itself but rather the child has been carried to the top of the high tower in his imagination and asked to look down at the people below .
15 It was virulent and hate-filled and directed entirely at the people beneath them .
16 Richard 's face was bleeding and she knew he was shouting up at the people .
17 Black kids who , in retrospect , would blame their lack of success at school on their over-indulgence in sport would point fingers of accusation at the people who encouraged them and helped sustain an interest which was later to prove nullifying in its effects .
18 Duncan looked at the people passing by , wondering if he would have been one of them had Grandfather Ilya Denknetzeyan decided not leave Russia .
19 ‘ Now I 'm in the voucher scheme I feel safer knowing that the council has looked at the people it employs , and if there 's any difficulty I can go to Joan [ the manager ] . ’
20 I sat smoking my cigar and looked at the people around me .
21 She was on her feet , kicking the trunks , then flinging books , papers , jars , all around the attic , shouting abuse at the people who had left this rubbish up here .
22 Matthew was the baby of the family : a big , cheeky-chopped boy with dark red hair who was always throwing tantrums or turning round to make faces at the people behind him .
23 The only way to check is actually to point a camera at the people chosen before the main session .
24 Look at the people in this house .
25 I would like to look at the people who are being cared for , the people that we 're talking about , are the elderly , quite often these people have lived through two world wars and given up their young married life , they have brought up their children through the bleak days of the general strike , is it right that these people have to suffer the indignity of charity hand-outs ?
26 He stared down at the whimpering person beyond the front of the cage , at the people around , at the Man staring at him for a moment , and then at Woil who had taken stance on a litter bin .
27 He stared back at the Cages , he glanced up at the trees behind them , he stared at the people who stared at him .
28 She looks slowly around , at the people and the place .
29 He looked at the people drinking in the restaurant bar , and thought the same .
30 She was pretending to look at the people who were passing in the street , but Burun was not deceived .
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