Example sentences of "he [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Jackson said he given jobs to five unemployed people .
2 He got plenty of work done there ; he made friends ; he felt liberated and enjoyed himself .
3 For the last year of his life he suffered from myeloma , a form of bone cancer , and entered hospital for the last time in July where he made friends with another patient who , unfortunately , soon died .
4 It was a crash course in survival , and in learning how to get on with people ; but when he made friends there , he knew , probably for the first time in his life , that he was liked for who he was and not what he was .
5 Easy going and charming , he made friends easily ; adventurous and audacious , his exploits brought both fame and notoriety during his lifetime ; intelligent but irresponsible , he made and squandered a fortune in a few years ; all in all , he was an eccentric who lived life to the full .
6 He made friends easily though he occasionally collected the odd hanger-on who I felt sure was only waiting for a Sheikhly hand-out .
7 There he made friends for life in George Hooper and Francis Turner , who became fellow bishops , and with Thomas Thynne , in whose house he was to spend his long retirement .
8 He made friends easily and after his wife died there seemed little to keep him tied to his home area .
9 Milner was known for his charm and the ease with which he made friends .
10 As a young man he made friends effortlessly , but after his conversion he withheld proffers of easy affection , as if afraid of rebuff .
11 The first thing he did he made friends amongst the young men in the college .
12 He made jibes at the expense of more energetic writers , saying that they were cheap and did not rewrite enough .
13 When I caddy for Matt he made loads of putts , it 's was well cool .
14 He made signs with his hands and fingers and Corbett watched fascinated as Benstede replied using identical gestures .
15 In between times he made nails , chains and tools or turned out spare parts for canal machinery .
16 When Lindbergh flew the Atlantic , he made notes with a Waterman ; Admiral Byrd 's expedition to the Antarctic was equipped with Watermans filled with non-freezing ink ; and Lloyd George signed the Versailles Treaty with , you guessed it , a Waterman .
17 Most of what he heard he already knew , but still he made notes .
18 He made notes and said that if he had a key to the house he 'd be able to plan what was needed in a shorter time .
19 He made counter-accusations that 42,000 Bosnian Serbs were being held as detainees , in 21 camps , by the Bosnian Croats and Moslems , and that over 6,000 Bosnian Serb civilians had been killed as detainees .
20 During his years on the Continent he made friendships among many of the most eminent men of the day , including Edward Gibbon , Horatio Nelson ( Viscount Nelson ) , Sir William Hamilton and his wife , Richard Payne Knight [ qq.v . ] ,
21 He made friendships that were lasting .
22 He was so distraught by the ‘ vernal desolation of avarice ’ after 1809 at Lodore and Manesty that ‘ dreading farther mischief , ’ he made drawings of the lake margin from Stable Hills to Isthmus .
23 You could n't say , ‘ He made faces at me and swore at me . ’
24 ‘ Dad was really funny , he made jokes all through it .
25 He made enemies and friends , gambled , pursued women , married , remarried , produced good films and bad , and survived to become an American legend .
26 Many were polemical , and he made enemies among English surgeons whom he attacked in print .
27 He made plans , which were not plans , but visions of solitary activity and free watchfulness , things he had never had .
28 He made plans for , and carried out , a complete rebuilding of the cathedral church on the model of the church he had built at Caen .
29 He made plans to return .
30 His death-warrant bore 58 signatures , headed by that of John Bradshaw who , born in Marple in 1602 , may have attended the School in his youth ; however , if he did , it seems to have made but little impression on him , for in his will he made bequests to increase the Masters ' salaries at his other schools , Bunbury and Middleton , and to found a new school in Marple , without mentioning Stockport .
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